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박병호 부교수 사진
박병호 부교수
Contact Information
  • Office.S288
  • Tel.02-958-3514
  • E-mail.mediapark@kaist.ac.kr
  • Homepage/Lab. Lab.
Research Areas 미디어 심리학 / 뉴로 경영 연구 / 행태과학 연구방법론
경영이라는 상황 아래에서 인간의 심리를 다룹니다. IT/콘텐츠 사용자의 심리에서부터 광고, 홍보, 소비자, 인사조직 등 폭 넓은 분야에 적용 가능한 심리학의 강점을 최대한 살리는 연구를 하고 있으며, 연구하고자 하는 이론/주제에 따라서는 뇌과학에 기초한 연구도 하고 있습니다.

가령, 어떤 특성을 가진 소비자들이 1) 비싼 금액을 지불하고라도 첨단 스마트폰을 구입하는가, 2) 온라인 게임의 아이템을 불법 사용하는가, 3) 운전 중에 참지 못하고 스마트폰이나 여타 IT기기를 사용하는가, 4) 금액이 더 비싸더라도 친환경 제품을 더 선호하는가... 등과 같은 주제들이 연구의 대상입니다.

또, TV와 스마트폰 중 어느 것을 더 많이 이용하는 사람들이 햄버거/커피/아이스크림/도넛 등의 신제품을 더 많이 알고 또 구입한 적이 있는가와 같이 미디어 사용과 실제 구매 사이의 관계에 대한 연구도 한 적이 있습니다. 이상의 연구들은 주로 설문, 또는 설문 형식의 온라인 실험을 통해 이루어졌습니다.

뇌과학에 기초한 경영심리 연구의 경우, 광고, 홍보/뉴스, 게임, 음악, 동영상 등 다양한 콘텐츠를 사용하는 중의 생체반응 측정을 통한 IT/미디어 사용자의 심리를 연구합니다. 의료장비를 사용하는 이 계열의 연구기법을 통해, 인터페이스(온라인 쇼핑, 기업 홈페이지 등)나 새로 개발하는 장비를 사용하는 도중의 심리상태도 볼 수 있습니다. 무의식적인 생체 반응을 분석하기 때문에 소비자 스스로도 잘 모르는 미묘한 심리상태의 분석이 가능하다는 장점이 있습니다.

어떻게 하면 보다 관객들이 좋아하는 동영상을 만들고, 더욱 설득력 있는 광고를 만들고, 스트레스를 더욱 적게 받아가며 사용할 수 있는 하드웨어나 IT 시스템을 만들 수 있을까 등이 경영심리 연구자로서 제가 다루는 연구주제입니다.


    2006, Ph.D. in Mass Communications (Indiana University - Bloomington)


    2017. International Communication Association, Top Reviewer Award (Information System Division)
    2016. The Korea Society of Management information Systems Fall Conference 최우수 논문상
    2015. Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference 최우수 논문상

    2006-2008, National University of Singapore 교수 (Communications & New Media 학과)
    2006 International Communication Association 최우수 논문상 (Information System Division)
    2001-2004, IT 국비 장학생 (정보통신부)


    2017~현재, 서울특별시, 부산광역시, 제주자치도 등 자문위원
    2016~현재. 정보통신기술진흥센터, 한국 콘텐츠 진흥원 평가위원
    2015, CJ CGV (스크린 X 기술의 효과 검증 연구)
    2015, MuCon 컨퍼런스 (음악 소비자를 위한 뉴로마케팅)
    2012, 삼성그룹 임원 특강 (뉴로마케팅의 활용)
    2011, 삼성전자 간부 특강 (미디어 심리학과 뉴로마케팅)
    2010-2011, SK 플래닛 (11번가 쇼핑몰 연구)
    2007-2008, 싱가포르 정부 정보통신부 (Infocomm Development Authority) 자문위원
Publications & Research

주요논문 (특허등)

    Journal articles

    Ryu, S., & Park, B. (Accepted). Do I Want to Pay to Download Movies? Factors Affecting Acceptance of Legal Movie Download Services. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society.

    Park, B., & Bailey, R. L. (Accepted). Application of Information Introduced to dynamic message processing and enjoyment. Journal of Media Psychology.

    Lim, J., & Park, B. (2016). Analysis on the Viewing Intention of Mobile Personal Broadcasting by using Hedonic-Motivation System Adoption Model. Information Systems Review 18 (4), 89-106.

    Kang, M. Y., Park, B., Lee, S., Kim, J., & Allenby, G. (2016). Economic Analysis of Charitable Donations. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets, 2(4), 40-57.

    Lang, A., Gao, Y., Potter, R.F., Lee, S., Park, B., & Bailey, R. L. (2015). Conceptualizing Audio Message Complexity as Available Processing Resources. Communication Research, 42(6), 759-778.

    Lee, J., Ahn, J.H., & Park, B. (2015). The effect of repetition in Internet banner ads and the moderating role of animation. Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 202-209.

    Cho, H. & Park, B. (2014). Testing the moderating role of need for cognition in smartphone adoption. Behaviour & Information Technology 33(7), 704-715.

    Yoon, H. & Park, B. (2013). Social TV: Influence of the fame of author and repetition type of Twitter messages on viewing intent for television shows. Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies, 57(1), 364-391.

    Park, J., Kang, D., Kang, H., Kwon, H., Kim, J., Park, B., & Cho, H. (2013). Interactions on the effect of public service announcements: Recognition for sponsor, advertising techniques, receiver involvement, and need for cognition. Journal of Information Technology Service, 12(4), 235-253.

    Lee, S., & Park, B. (2012). Effects of Motivational Activation on Processing Positive and Negative Content in Internet Advertisements. Korean Journal of the science of Emotion & sensibility, 15(4), 517-526.

    Fox, J. R., Park, B., & Lang, A. (2007). When Available Resources Become Negative Resources: The Effects of Cognitive Overload on Memory Sensitivity and Criterion Bias. Communication Research, 34(3), 277-296.

    Lang, A., Park, B., Sanders, J., Wilson, B., & Wang, Z. (2007). Cognition and emotion in TV message processing: How valence, arousing content, structural complexity, and information density affect the availability of cognitive resources. Media Psychology, 10(3), 317-338.

    Fox, J. R., & Park, B. (2006). The "I" of Embedded Reporting: An Analysis of CNN Coverage of the "Shock and Awe" Campaign. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 50(1), 36-51.

    Lang, A., Bradley, S. D., Park, B., Shin, M., & Chung, Y. (2006). Parsing the Resource Pie: Using STRTs to measure attention to Mediated Messages. Media Psychology 8(4), 369-394.

    Park, B., & Gillespie, T. (2003). "PC-bang" Brought a "big-bang": The Unique Aspect of the Korean Internet Industry. The Journal of Education, Community, and Values, 3(8). Available: http://commons.pacificu.edu/inter03/60/

    Published Abstracts

    Park, B., Park, S., Kang, S., Lim, T.H., & Jung, H. (2015). Viewer Responses to Massive Immersive Environment: Lessons for Consumer Psychology Based on Physiological Data. Psychophysiology, 52, S117.

    Park, B., Park, S., Kang, S., & Lim, T.H. (2015). Neuromarketing in the Field: Insights Earned From the Use of Psychophysiology on Testing New Technology. Psychophysiology, 52, S117.

    Fox, J. R., Park, B., Grabe, M. E., Lee, S., & Lee, S. (2006). Stay tuned: Effects of sensational TV news content and tabloid structural features on information processing and channel surfing behavior in young adult viewers. In Psychophysiology, 43, S39.


    Park, B. (2011). Measuring information in TV advertisements and viewer’s cognitive processing of its content: Neuromarketing research through physiological response analysis. Seoul, Korea: Korea Broadcast Advertising Corp.

    Park, B. (1993). RPG Mandeulghi (How to Design a Role Playing Game). Seoul, Korea: Information Age.

    Park, B., & Lee, B. (1992). Ani-Sedae (Animation Generation). Seoul, Korea: Dasun Publication.

    Other publications

    Park, B. (2013). Important issues for culture informatization. In Korea Culture Informatization White Paper, edited by Korea Culture Information Service Agency.

    Park, B. (2011). Social networking service (SNS). In Korea Culture Informatization White Paper, edited by Korea Culture Information Service Agency, pp.436-446.

    Manuscripts under review by academic journals

    Park, B. (Submitted). Effects of Immersive Environment on Viewers: Application of Neuromarketing in the Industry. Manuscript submitted to International Journal of Psychophysiology.

    Lee, S., Potter, R.F., & Park, B. (Under Revision). The Impact of Information Density and Structural Complexity on Persuasion, Recognition, and Cognitive Effort While Processing Audio Messages. Manuscript submitted to Media Psychology.

    Conference proceedings

    Lim, J., & Park, B. (2016, November). Factors Affecting Acceptance of Mobile Personal Broadcasting as Entertainment Information System. Proceedings of The Korea Society of Management information Systems 2016 Fall Conference, 163-167.

    Yu, S., Park, S., Park, B., & Han, I. (2016, November). Social Impacts of IoT : Job Prospects through Scenario Planning. Proceedings of The Korea Society of Management information Systems 2016 Fall Conference, 173-187.

    Park, B., & Park, S. (2016, January). Evaluating New Technology's Effect on Its Users with Neuromarketing: Testing of Screen X Technology. Extended Abstracts of HCI Korea 2016, 322-324.

    Chung, C.K., Park, B., & Park, S. (2016, January). Consumer Innovativeness and New Media Use. Extended Abstracts of HCI Korea 2016, 706-707.

    Jang, J. H., Park, B., & Park, S. (2016, January). Consumer Innovativeness and Television Viewing Device Use: Mobile Device Preference and Tablet Adoption Intent. Extended Abstracts of HCI Korea 2016, 708-709.

    Jang, H., Park, B., & Kang, S. (2015, November). Factors Influencing the Adult Consumers’ Acceptance of Children’s e-book. Proceedings of The Korea Society of Management Information Systems’ 2016 Fall Conference.

    Lee, S., Park, B., & Park, S., (2015, November). Intent to Use and Accept O2O Service for Customers of Retail Business: The Influence of Social Influence and Perceived Threat on Technology Acceptance. Proceedings of The Korea Society of Management Information Systems’ 2016 Fall Conference.

    Kang, M.Y., Park, B., Lee, S., Kim, S. & Allenby, G.M. (2015, April). Economic Analysis of Charitable Donations for Targeting. Proceedings of Paris Economics, Finance and Business Conference.

    Park, B. (2014, July). Information introduced (ii) and television ads: confirming cognitive overload through psychophysiological approach. Proceedings of 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore.

    Park, B. & Kim, H.J. (2014, May). Positive Content Improves Memory for In-game Ads: Applying LC4MP in an Interactive Video Gaming Environment. Proceedings of International Symposium on Simulation and Serious Games.

    Kim, H.J. & Park, B. (2014, February). When background music(BGM) affects advertising effect: How BGM affects cognitive processing during interactive media use. HCI2014: Conference proceeding of the Human-Computer Interaction Society of Korea.

    Park, B., Cho, I., & Kim, K. (2013, February). The effect of corporate’s CSR activity and crisis management on public’s perceived hypocrisy and brand attitude. Proceeding of Korea society of management research’s symposium, winter, 2012.

    Suh, C., & Park, B. (2012, February). Are social games useful for socializing? Counter-intuitive insight from social media users. Proceedings of ATISR 2012: International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.

    Ryu, S. & Park, B. (2012, January). Do I Want to Pay to Download Movies? Predicting Acceptance of Legal Online Movie Download Services. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-45).

    Suh, C., & Park, B. (2012, January). Do social game help build social network? Insights from social media users which are against common sense. HCI2012: Conference proceeding of the Human-Computer Interaction Society of Korea.

    Koo, B., Park, J., Lee, H., & Park, B. (2011, October). Effects of Color on Brand Recognition and Learning Time. Proceedings of 2011 Marketing Fall Grand Conference.

    Park, B., & Oh, H. (2011, January). The effects of arousing content and individual difference on processing of visual information from entertainment video: Measuring effectiveness of product placement with an eye tracking device. HCI 2011: Conference proceeding of the Human-Computer Interaction Society of Korea.

    Park, B. (2009, July). Psychophysiology as a Tool for HCI Research: Promises and Pitfalls. Human-Computer Interaction. New Trends: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5610, 141-148.

    Park, B. (2007, September). Gambling is in My Genes: Correlations between Personality Traits with Biological Basis and Digital Entertainment Choice. Situated Play: Proceedings of DiGRA 2007 Conference, 243-247.

    Park, B. (2004, July). It’s not the Internet ? it’s the Broadband that Makes Online Journalism Truly Interactive. Conference proceeding of the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications.

    Park, B. (2004, July). Striking the Match: PC-Bang, the Key Player that Sparked the Amazing Digital Revolution in Korea. Conference proceeding of the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications.

    Park, B. (2001, March). How to Market in Korea: Small Country, Big Market for PC Games. Proceedings of Game Developers Conference 2001.

    Conference papers

    Park, B. (June, 2016). Information Introduced in Anime: Information Processing, Physiological Response, and Enjoyment in Entertainment Media. Paper to be presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.

    Park, B., & Park, S. (June, 2016). Overwhelmed by a theater-sized surrounded projection technology: Cognitive overload, emotional responses, and advertising effectiveness under a large, immersive environment. Paper to be presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka, Japan.

    Park, B., & Park, S. (March, 2016). Using neuromarketing to test a new technology with a small number of subjects. Paper presented to the The American Academy of Advertising's Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

    Park, B., & Bailey, R.L. (May, 2015). Application of Information Introduced and Physiological Measures to Dynamic Information Processing of Television Messages and Enjoyment. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Park, B., Yang, H., Lim, C., Jang, J.W., Kang, S., & Lim, T.H. (May, 2015). Viewers Enjoy Being Overwhelmed by TV: Exploring the Relationship Between Cognitive Overload and Enjoyment During Television Viewing. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Park, W., & Park, B. (May, 2015). 3D Technology, Cognitive Processing, and Purchase Intent: Difference From Converted 3D Observed Through Physiological and Self-Report Data. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Park, B., Lee, E., Lee, K., & Nam, D.W. (2014, May). Dimensions and information introduced (ii): How information provided weighs differently when number of visual dimensions change. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

    Park, B. (2013, October). Cognitive processing pattern change by information complexity in video clips. Paper presented to the Interaction division of Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies, Seoul, Korea.

    Park, B., Kang, M. Y., & Lee, J. (2013, June). Effects of Structural Features in Text Messages on Voters: Formality and Interactivity on Perceived Image and Voting Intent. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, London, UK.

    Park, B., Lee, E., Nam, D. W., & Lee, K. (2013, June). 2D vs. 3D: The effects of additional dimension in visual field on information processing. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, London, UK.

    Gao, Y., Bailey, R. L., Lang, A., Lee, S., Potter, R. F., & Park, B. (2013, June). Conceptualizing audio message complexity as available processing resources. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, London, UK.

    Park, B., & Chung, H. (2012, May). When television advertisement overwhelms viewers: Application of Information Introduced and physiological measures on television advertisement message processing. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.

    Park, B., Chung, H., Chung, M., & Kwon, B. (2011, October). Individual Differences as a Moderating Factor for New Information Technology Adoption: The Case of Tablet PC. Paper presented to the Interaction division of Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies, Seoul, Korea.

    Cho, H., & Park, B. (2011, August). Determinants of Intention to Use Smartphones: Testing the Moderating Role of Need for Cognition. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.

    Kwon, K., Kim, S., Nam, D., Bae, H., Yoon, J. Lee, K., & Park, B. (2010, October). Effects of Backgrond Music on Consumer Emotion and Approach Behavior. Paper presented to the Interaction division of Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies, Seoul, Korea.

    Park, B. (2010, June). Predicting gambling behavior of South East Asian youths with Sensation Seeking and Motivation System Activation. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Singapore.

    Park, B. (2009, July). Psychophysiology as a Tool for HCI Research: Promises and Pitfalls. Paper presented to HCI International 2009. San Diego, USA. (Conference proceeding published)

    Park, B. (2009, June). Using Psychophysiology for Studying Human-Computer Interaction. Paper presented to the Interaction division of Korean Society for Journalism & Communication Studies, Seoul, Korea.

    Park, B. (2008, May). Motivational System Activation and Information Processing: Using a Video Game to Compare Emotional Responses and Cognitive Processing During Appetitive, Aversive, and Coactive States. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada

    Park, B. (2008, March). The Limited Capacity Model of Mediated Message Processing and Education. Paper presented to the Education and Development Conference 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.

    Park, B., & Ng, C. H. (2007, October). Personality trait and risky gaming in cyber space: Sensation Seeking as a predictor of online gambling. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Vancouver, Canada.

    Lee, S., Park, B., & Potter, R.F. (2007, October). The Impact of Information Density and Structural Complexity on Persuasion, Recognition, and Cognitive Effort While Processing Audio Messages. Paper presented to the Science and Health Division of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies annual conference. Jeonrabook-do, Korea.

    Park, B. (2007, September). Gambling is in My Genes: Personality Traits with Biological Basis and Digital Entertainment Choice. Paper presented to DiGRA 2007, conference for Digital Game Researchers Association, Tokyo, Japan. (Conference proceeding published)

    Ng, C. H. & Park, B. (2007, July). Using personality trait for targeting the prevention effort: Sensation Seeking as a predictor for problem gambling behavior. Paper presented to the Singapore Problem Gambling Conference 2007, Singapore, Singapore.

    Park, B. (2007, May). The Effects of Structural Features and Information Introduced on Internet Advertising, Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, USA.

    Park, B. (2007, May). PC-Bang! How Internet Cafes Sparked the Amazing Growth of Korean Information Technology Industry. Paper presented to the Communication Law & Policy division of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, USA.

    Fox, J. R., Park, B., & Lang, A. (2006, June). Complicated Emotional Messages Produce Liberal Bias: Effects of Valence and Complexity on Sensitivity and Criterion. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Fox, J. R., Park, B., & Lang, A. (2006, June). When Available Resources Become Negative Resources: Effects of Cognitive Overload on Memory Sensitivity and Criterion. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Lang, A., Derryberry, D. Z., Sparks, J. V., Park, B., Kurita, S., Shyu, S. A., & Potter, R. F. (2006, June). The Effects of Audio and Video Information Density on Available Resources and Encoding. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Lee, S., & Park, B. (2006, June). Effects of Motivational Activation on Processing Positive and Negative Content in Pop-Up Advertisements. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Lee, S., & Park, B. (2006, June). The Impact of Structural Complexity and Information Density on Attitudes toward Radio PSAs. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Lee, S., Park, B., & Potter, R. F. (2006, June). The Impact of Structural Complexity and Information Density on Attitudes Toward Radio PSAs. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

    Fox, J. R., Park, B., Grabe, M. E., & Lee, S. (2005, May). Stay Tuned: Effects of Tabloid TV News Content and Structural Features on Viewer Processing, Memory, and Channel Changing Behavior in Young Adults. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.

    Lee, S., Park, B., & Fox, J. R. (2005, May). Web Advertising and Pop-Up Ads. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.

    Park, B., Sanders-Jackson, A. N., Wilson, B. D., & Lang, A. (2005, May). Separating Speed From Load: Understanding How Pacing and Information Contribute to Variation in STRTs. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, New York, NY.

    Park, B. (2004, October). Cultivating the Youth: Propaganda Against Nazis at the Subliminal Level Using Animated Features. Paper presented at the Society for Animation Studies International Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

    Fox, J. R., & Park, B. (2004, August). The "I" of Embedded Reporting. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

    Lang, A., Bradley, S. D., Park, B., Shin, M., & Chung, Y. (2004, August). Parsing the Resource Pie: Using STRTs to Measure Attention to Mediated Messages. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto, Canada.

    Park, B. (2004, July). It’s not the Internet ? it’s the Broadband that Makes Online Journalism Truly Interactive. Paper presented at the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Orlando, FL. (Conference proceeding published)

    Park, B. (2004, July). Striking the Match: PC-Bang, the Key Player that Sparked the Amazing Digital Revolution in Korea. Paper presented at the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Orlando, FL. (Conference proceeding published)

    Fox, J. R., & Park, B. (2004, February). Just Adding Graphics Does Not Make Them Remember Better: How Sensitivity of Memory Is Affected by the Complexity of the News Story and the Use of Graphics. Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication at New Brunswick, NJ.

    Park, B. (2004, February). PC-bang, the unique and important factor that contributed to online entertainment services in Korea. Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication at New Brunswick, NJ.

    Haverhals, L., Bradley, S. D., Park, B., & Lang, A. (2003, May). An Empirical Examination of the Secondary Task Reaction Times: Testing What They Really Measure. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

    Park, B., Bradley, S. D., & Kim, O. (2003, May). This Galactic War Has Been Brought to You by These Fine Sponsors: Cognitive Message Processing in an Interactive Video Game Environment. Paper presented to the Information Systems division of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

    Park, B., & Gillespie, T. (2003, June). PC-Bang: A New Internet-Based Business Model that Brought Such a Big-Bang to the Korean Market and People. Paper presented to the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, Honolulu, HI.

    Poster session presentations

    Park, B. (2006, March). You deny, but you're lovin' it: Using psychophysiology for product evaluation. Poster presented to the Game Developers Conference, San Jose, CA.

    Park, B. (2006, March). Online Gaming Business in the Asian Market: Understanding the new business model. Poster presented to the Game Developers Conference, San Jose, CA.


    - 광고 / 홍보 / 뉴스가 소비자에게 미치는 영향
    - 영화, 게임, 음악 등의 콘텐츠가 소비자에게 미치는 영향
    - IT기술, 인터페이스 등이 사용자에게 미치는 영향
    - 개인의 심리적 특성과 사회-문화적 환경이 그 사람의 행동/구매에 미치는 영향
    - 개인으로 하여금 보다 친환경적인 행동을 하도록 유도하는 효과적인 광고/홍보 기법의 개발
    - 다양한 환경/조건에서 소비자/사용자가 보여주는 두뇌의 활동 (뉴로마케팅, 뉴로IS)

언론기고 및 출연활동

    KAIST 서울캠퍼스에서 "뉴로 경영 연구실" 운영중.
    KAIST 대전캠퍼스 "KI 엔터테인먼트 공학 연구소" 소속으로 활동중.

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