Academic SeminarDiffusion of E-Commerce and Retail Job Apocalypse: Evidence from Credit Card Data on Online Spending
- 일시
- 2018-11-22 ~ 2018-11-22
경영경제 세미나를 아래와 같이 개최하오니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁 드립니다.
1. 일시: 2018년 11월 22일 (목), 16:00~17:30
2. 장소: 9호관 7층 9705 강의실
3. 강사: 이윤수 교수 (서강대)
4. 주제: Diffusion of E-Commerce and Retail Job Apocalypse: Evidence from Credit Card Data on Online Spending
5. 연구분야: 경영경제
* Lecture will be delivered in English.
A rapid growth of e-commerce is widely blamed for job losses in traditional offline retail. We construct a unique measure of online spending share based on 30 billion transactions of credit cards. Using geographic variation in online spending shares, we examine the causal effect of e-commerce on retail employment at the county level. We find that the rise in online spending share from 2011 to 2015 decreases the county-level retail employment by about 160 workers, which represents about 2.5% reduction in average retail employment. The negative employment effect is not limited to books and electronics but is widespread across products such as foods and sporting goods. Furthermore, a sizable employment spillover to other sectors (e.g., restaurants and transportation & warehousing) is not found. Our findings suggest that the diffusion of e-commerce has overall negative impacts on local labor markets.