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Clips from Dean of Northwestern Law School and Asset Management Lecture 2007-11-05Hit:7094

  • WriterKAIST
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While the concern for law school has been highly -elated, the interview with the Dean of Northwestern law school, who visited to Korea to promote the LLM program, was appear in the press. Besides, news that the lecture for asset management held by KGSF is pubilshed in several media, Yonhapnews, Primeeconomy, and Newsis. 1. Interview with Dean of the Northwestern Law School - http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2007/11/02/2007110200063.html 2. The lecture for asset management will be open in KGSF - http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LPOD&mid=etc&oid=098&aid=0000266867 - http://www.pbj.co.kr/news/read.php?idxno=40022&page= - http://www.newsis.com/newsis/ArticleView?title=사회%20|%20최근기사&artiGbn=ARTI&artiId=NISX20071101_0005024212
Contact : jisun, Lee ( issue96@business.kaist.ac.kr )