2010 Fall Course Registration 2010-05-06Hit:7783
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2010 fall semester registration procedure and methods are as follows:
(Improvement - change from previous limitation of registration to random electronic selection -
made to the registration procedure for courses with enrollment ceilings.)
1. Registration period : May 3, 2010 (Mon) ~ May 10 (Mon)
<1st period> May 3 (Mon) 12 : 30 ~ 23: 59
▶Open enrollment without ceilings for all the courses
※ May 4 (Tue)~5(Wed) : No registration is possible
May 6 (Thu) Before 11:00 a.m.
▶Students will be randomly selected for the courses that exceed their enrollment ceilings;
final student lists for the courses will be announced.(on portal)
▶Students included in the final lists (of the courses exceed their enrollment ceilings) can not cancel the courses
during the registration period. (However, during the Add/drop period, students may change or cancel their classes.)
<2nd period> 12:30 on May 6 ~ 23:59 on May 10 (Students may register for the remaining courses)
2. Use: KAIPA System http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr
3. Registration procedure
1) Choose classes from the lists
*(http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr) ⇒ Opening courses
*(http://portal.kaist.ac.kr) ⇒ Webcais ⇒ Academic ⇒ Courses ⇒ Opening courses
2) Web registration : http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr
3) Print out the completed registration form
4) Obtain guidance professor"s signature and submit the form to the Department/Division office
5) (Students under the undeclared major system should submit the form to the Academic Registrar"s Team)
4. Rules for cross course registration among different graduate schools
1) Students enrolled in each school will be granted priority when enrolling in courses provided by the school.
Therefore, students from other schools may be constrained from enrolling in courses with restriction.
2) If you want to take course from other graduate schools, you should confirm your registration from May. 8 (Sat.) to May. 10(Mon).
3) Courses confirmed before the designated period(5.8~5.10) could be cancelled.
4) When enrolling in courses provided by schools other than the school that you are registered in, you will need
an approval from the instructor in charge of the course. (The sign of the instructor is needed on a Hard copy)
5) You are allowed to take up to 3 credits per semester, which equals to maximum 12 credits in total.