December 2010, Invitation into Student Counseling Center 2010-12-10Hit:8518
- WriterKye Young Jang
- File
At the end of the year, I look at the last page of my calendar
and think to myself, Good job!
You held out very well for a year!
What will be there waiting for me in the Year of the Hare?
Look back what happened this year and make a plan for next year at the Student Counselling Center
1. Career consulting
- To make a direction of your life
- To search for the carre pathway that matches your traits
- To have a consulting on career transition
2. Private Counselling
- If you feel anxious, unfair and angry without reasons
- If you feel empty and no drive in anything
- If you want a change and growth in understanding yourself or in personal relations
- If you want to improve your relationship with parents, brothers/sisters or children
- If you want to get an objective perspective on/understanding of yourself through psychology tests
And if there are other issues you want to talk about, come to the Student Counselling Center. You will be welcome anytime.
★ How to take the counseling : Made a reservation 1 day ahead ★
☞ How to make a reservation: Login→ Reservation→ Student Counseling Center → Book
☞ Office Hours: Mon. Wed. Thu. (09:00~18:00)
☞ Contact: Jang, Kyeyoung (Ph.D, Counseling Psychologist) ☎3267, S267