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[12.7] Temporary Interruption of KCB Network Services 2012-12-06Hit:9303

  • WriterSeokJun Yu
  • File

Replacement operation due to the 2nd floor network equipment SUPEX in KCB

Please note below for the Internet service shut down

1. Maintenance Period: 19:00pm, December 7th (Friday) ~ 12:00pm,

December 8th (Saturday)

2. Service Maintenance:
- L3 network equipment replacement
- Memory expansion on data service servers

3. Interrupted computational services:
- All wireless network and wired network services on the 2nd Floor in SUPEX(S201 ~ S293)
- Data service (Inside, FindPeople, Reservation, Career, bulletin board, etc.)

4. Reactivation: Upon completing repair works.

5. Inquiry: SeokJun Yu(e-mail:node1001@business.kaist.ac.kr) at the Center for Information and Network Services

6.Others: During the interruption, NO access to the campus network

Contact : jisun, Lee ( issue96@business.kaist.ac.kr )