THE Asian University Rankings, 9th Seoul National University is 9th, KAIST is 10th2018-02-22Hit:2574
- 첨부파일
Seoul National University (SNU) is ranked first among Korean universities and ninth in Asia according to the latest “THE Asia University Rankings” published on February 6th. KAIST is ranked tenth in Asia, and followed by POSTECH (11th), Sungkyunkwan University (13th), Yonsei University (20th), UNIST (22th), and Korea University (24th). The MK news reports its rankings exclusively in the Korean media.
SNU has been ranked in the top position in Korea since the first evaluation in 2013. Last year, however, SNU forfeited the title of ‘Korea’s best university’ which went to KAIST. This year, KAIST fell by two ranks from eighth to tenth due to a lower score in the paper citation sector. SNU retook first place with outstanding improvement in the category of teaching environment and research performance.
The top five rankings in Asia were claimed by universities in Singapore, China and Hong Kong. The National University of Singapore has topped the Asian list for three consecutive years.