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Course Enrollment for 2007 Fall Session2007-05-29Hit:7141

Course Enrollment for 2007 Fall Session Please complete the course enrollment process in time. Course enrollment procedures for 2007 Fall session are as follows: - Below - 1. Course Enrollment Period: 2007. 5. 28(Mon.) ~ 6. 1(Fri.) 2. How: The basic course enrollment procedure is to use the Web. However, from the 2nd day of the course enrollment period (2007. 5. 29), enrollment through the Cais System is also allowed. 3. Operation Hours: 12:30PM of the start date to 24:00 of the last date of enrollment. 4. Place: Anywhere that has access to the Web and Cais. 5. Enrollment Procedure (1) Select the courses that you plan to take. ◦ Website (http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr) ⇒ Search for courses that are offered. ◦ Website (http://portal.kaist.ac.kr) ⇒ Webcais ⇒ Academics ⇒ Courses ⇒ Courses offered (2) Web Course Enrollment : http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr (3) After choosing your courses, print out a hard-copy of your course selection. (4) Bring the hard copy to your academic advisor and get approval for the course selection. Submit the form to the Programs Office. * When registering for courses through the Cais System, follow the same process as above, after making your selection from the website. 6. For: Currently enrolled students (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Students) 7. Rules for taking courses from other schools/programs(within KAIST) 가. Students enrolled in each school will be grated priority when enrolling in courses provided by the school. Therefore, students from other schools may be constrained from enrolling in courses with restriction. 나. When enrolling in courses provided by schools other than the school that you are registered in, you will need an approval from the instructor in charge of the course. (Submit printout of your course enrollment with a signature from the instructor)
Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )
