KSIM opens blog about WEB 2.0 2007-07-24Hit:6875
KAIST Graduate School of Information and Media (KSIM) opens blog (http://webtwo.kaist.ac.kr) created for sharing information relating WEB 2.0 and to facilitate discussion about it.
Special lecture for web2.0, besides academic theory, is the program with various projects on practical affair and IT business
Not fully established on academic background, this program will come along by inviting experts specialized in expanding market like web and mobile.
And the lecture deals with, first of all, raising issue like web2.0 technology, culture, and policy especially.
There are movie clips and comments about the each of lectures on this blog and it will be updated regularly.
All students interested in web2.0 and professors can be provided with quality contents by bloging this site. Moreover, by posting comments, you can facilitate discussion with many participators including students and professors.
Professor: Kim, Sung-hee, Cha Dong-wan, Ryu Jung-Hee, Han, Jae-sun
TA: Park, Jin-woo, Jung Dae-jin, Sung Kyoung-eun.