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Creative-Economy Diffusion Committee for Small and Medium Businesses H..2013-09-02Hit:5337

The number of committee members is forty-nine, including researchers.

The committee will be in charge of a think tank.

(Photograph) On July 23rd, the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business (Kbiz) held the inauguration ceremony for ‘the Creative-Economy Diffusion Committee for Small and Medium Business’ and decided to make a coordinated economic policy. (Fourth from the left in the first row, Ki-Mun Kim (the Chairman of Kbiz), Choi Mum-Kee (the Minister of Science, ICT, and Future Planning), Kim Kwangdoo (the President of the Institute for the Future of State), Yoon Chang Bun (KAIST Professor), Lee Min Jae (the Chairperson of Korea Women Entrepreneurs Association), Kim Dong-Sun (the President of Korea Small Business Institute)

The Creative Economy Diffusion Committee for Small and Medium Businesses’ was established to construct an ecosystem of the creative-economy with small and medium businesses as the center on July 23rd.

The committee consists mainly of the Institute for the Future of State, Korea Small Business Institute and nine organizations including Kbiz, Korea Venture Business Association and Inno-Biz.

Ki-Mun Kim, the Chairman of Kbiz, and Kim Kwangdoo, the President of the Institute for the Future of State, were appointed as the Chairman of the Creative-Economy Diffusion Committee for Small and Medium Businesses. Also forty-nine heads of the major small and medium businesses in members of academia and business participate in the committee.

Chairman Kim Kwangdoo said, “The biggest goal of the Creative-Economy Diffusion Committee for Small and Medium Businesses is to construct an ecosystem of the creative-economy. In this sense, this committee could be considered to be a think tank which will lead the creative economy.”

He also said, “We will focus on how to solve difficulties in technology, which is a problem that small and medium businesses often face in the field,” and “We will also persuade the Korean Government, the National Assembly, and interest groups to construct an ecosystem of the creative-economy.”

Chairman Ki-Mun Kim said, “Small and medium businesses have had many difficulties in setting a direction for the creative economy until now,” and “Our committee consists of many experts in a variety of areas, and we will make a coordinated economic policy through close cooperation.”

The inauguration ceremony was followed by lively discussions and presentations about the way to strengthen the role of small and medium businesses in the creative economy.

Reporter Lee Sung Chul


Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )