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Eighteen percent of KAIST MBA students want to retire as “CEOs.”2014-08-05Hit:4217

On Monday, a survey of KAIST MBA students found that thirty-nine percent of full-time MBA students and sixty-one percent of EMBA students expected that they would be executive members at the time they retire. Especially, eighteen percent of students answered that they would retire as CEOs. Full-time MBA students hope to retire at the age of sixty-six, whereas EMBA students want to retire at sixty-four. However, both student groups expect to retire at an earlier age. The expectation of the former was fifty-six, and that of the latter was fifty-seven.

The biggest difference of the two groups is ‘value placed on a second job.’ Full-time MBA students said that they would like to continue their established career in deciding their second job after retirement; while EMBA students said that they wanted to do completely different types of work as their second job. However, both groups chose the most important factor as ‘Aptitude and Interest.’

MBA students answered 1~1.5 billion and 0.5~1 billion as the first and second responses to the question of necessary money after retirement. They expected to prepare about 70 percent of the money, mainly by ‘Pension and Savings.’

Most of the respondents wanted to keep living in their current residential areas after retirement. Fifty-two percent of full-time MBA students and fifty-nine percent of EMBA students preferred to live in the current residential areas, whereas twenty-seven percent of full-time MBA students and twenty-two percent of EMBA students chose to return to a rural area.

Reporter: Byoung-deok Kim

Link: http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1501m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=201406230100239220012616&cDateYear=2014&cDateMonth=06&cDateDay=23

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )
