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[Research] A Study on the Foreign Direct Investment and its Impact on the Ghanaian Economy2018-09-18Hit:721

  • Writer김지혜

In this section, we cover research papers that are well-written by our alumni or current students. The following is a brief introduction to a research paper written by James Dawson Amoah (FMBA 2016/Ghana). Please click the link at the bottom to read full version of the paper.

<Foreign Direct Investment and its Impact on the Ghanaian Economy>

Ghana has been implementing policies to attract and retain foreign direct investments into the country since the 1980s. These investments usually come along with the transfer of technology from which local industries may benefit. This research established that foreign direct investment inflow from 1980 to 2016 has had a positive and significant impact on economic growth of Ghana.

This paper evaluates the impact of foreign direct investments (FDI) on the Ghanaian economy using empirical data from 1980 to 2016. The research employed the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) methodology devised by Pesaran et al (2001) to establish the cointegration relationships among the variables. The stationarity of the variables was tested using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and the Phillips-Perron (PP) test.  The model was estimated using the Eviews statistical package.

Ghana has been implementing policies to attract and retain FDI since the 1980s. These investments usually come along with the transfer of technology from which local industries may benefit. This research established that FDI along with other variables (low and stable inflation, increased exports and improved real effective exchange) has had a positive and significant impact on economic growth of Ghana.
Unfortunately, the findings also established that government expenditure has not had a significant impact on economic growth. This is mainly attributable to corruption and misappropriation of government expenditure.

It is therefore essential that Ghana continues to undertake market-oriented and business friendly reforms to make it the investment destination of choice in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Upon James Dawson Amoah’s return to Ghana, he is working as the Head of Finance at the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre. KGSF wishes all the best in his position and for a continual success in his career.

◇ Subject: Foreign Direct Investment and its Impact on the Ghanaian Economy
Written by: James Dawson Amoah (FMBA 2016, Ghana Investment Promotion Centre)
Advisor: Professor Jisoo Kim

*click here to see the paper

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )