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Global Product Management with Thunderbird 2010-03-10Hit:3425

KAIST-Thunderbird is offering their joint two-day intensive course on "Global Product Management".

Date : April 19~20th(Mon.~Tue.) 2010-03-25

Venue : Supex Building at the KAIST Seoul Campus

Contact : Seo Young Choi (T. 02-958-3401, sychoi@business.kaist.ac.kr)

This course will be taught by a Thunderbird professor on day 1 and by a KAIST professor on day 2. Professor Ram will cover product positioning and innovative product marketing while Professor Rhee will address improving supply chain management on a global scale. This program has been designed to provide the most up-to-date market trends in global management as well as analyze actual case studies from which you will be able to gain valuable insights for formulating the best growth strategy for your company.

Contact : Lee, Jisun ( jisunlee@kaist.ac.kr )