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[News] Students Sports Day2016-06-09Hit:1270

  • Writer주선희

KAIST College of Business’s Sports Day was held on April 29 at Yangpyoung Sujong Park. A total 172 students, faculty and staff members attended the event.

This year, the concept of the sports day was a match between two superheroes, Batman and Superman. Students were divided into two teams: Team Batman vs. Team Superman, and played various games including football, baseball, and sumo wearing a burble suit.

All participants enjoyed the sunny weather, wearing Batman and Superman T-shirts, distributed to identify each team. They actively took advantage of opportunities to try some new or traditional sports and made new friends in a relaxed recreational environment.

Phebian, one of KOICA students who participated in the event said: “It was my first time to attend the KAIST Sports Day and activities were really fun. The weather was perfect. I participated in the tug of war, the bursting of balloons and the opening of a box high up in the air. We even had some impromptu sports such as volleyball and handball. I also met really wonderful people from other majors and made new friends. It was fun all the way and I will be attending the next one too.”

The final winner of the sports day was Team Superman. Regardless of the result, all students enjoyed Sports Day!

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )