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[News] City Tour for New Students2017-12-19Hit:1228

  • Writer주선희

The best way in which South Korea could welcome the new foreign students enrolled in KAIST, was by opening its doors of culture, innovation, technology and progress. On the morning of August 22nd, the new KOICA students began their tour visiting the Incheon Metropolitan City Museum Compact?Smart City. This museum, located in Songdo International Business District, showed the visitors the past, the present, and the future of Incheon through three well and chronologically designed exhibition halls. The students had the opportunity to learn about the historical milestones in the development of Incheon and the city’s projections and plans for the coming future.

In the afternoon, the place that was chosen to show an incredible mixture between art and technology was the Hyundai Motorstudio in Seoul. This place breaks the stereotype that cars have to be parallel to the ground and at the same time makes them a medium of culture and art. With three galleries, one studio, and one auto library & café, this experimental lab located in Gangnam presents to its visitors the work of renowned artists from all over the world, as well as awakes the senses and the experience of strength and technology of Hyundai Motors.

With a beautiful sunset, the students arrived at their final destination. In the middle of Seoul lies one of the most important palaces that emphasizes its beauty through its spacious and beautiful gardens. In this place, the KOICA students could learn some historical and traditional facts that enrich and make unique the Korean culture. The Changdeokgung Palace, where kings and queens strolled, delighted the visitors with its architecture and secret gardens. 

With innumerable photos and great memories, the visitors culminated their welcome journey. Not only the experience was important during this fascinating tour, the new students had the big opportunity to interact and get to know each other, creating bonds of friendship that will be with them during their life and experience in KAIST.

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )