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[People] Academic Award Winner2018-09-18Hit:608

  • Writer김지혜

For KAIST, it is imperative to recognize the effort and dedication that its students make during the academic semester. As an inclusive institution, KAIST College of Business rewards international and Korean students with Academic Excellence Awards.

The Academic Awards Ceremony for the Fall Semester 2017 was held on February 27, 2018 in the Atrium. In addition to the ceremony, the Dean’s Luncheon followed with the recipients, faculty members and staff members all attend to hear the poignant speeches, and take part in photo sessions and the luncheon.

We are pleased to disclose that in this year, one of our international students from Finance MBA was selected as the awardee of the Highest Honor Academic Excellence Award:
◇ Ziyodakon Miraeva (FMBA 2017/Uzbekistan)

The following is a reflection by Ziyodakon Miraeva upon receiving the award:

“This is the first semester I have been studying in KAIST College of Business and I am very glad to start my education in Korea with academic achievements. I must say that I have witnessed how hard students should study in KAIST. I am very thankful for the professionalism of the professors, the faculty members’ assistance, and our group for continuous support. These kinds of events provide international students with further motivation and enthusiasm to learn more about the business-finance world."

KGSF has a reputation for academic excellence and a challenging curriculum. We solemnly congratulate Ziyodakon on her outstanding achievement and her strong dedication to her studies at KAIST.

Written by Hiu Ching Chau, Student Reporter, KGSF International Alumni Newsletter

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )