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[News] Cultural and Educational Activities2018-09-18Hit:614

  • Writer김지혜

On the morning of April 13, 2018, as part of the cultural enrichment and understanding of the economic and technological development of Korea, FMBA students visited different locations outside the city of Seoul.

In company with the Professor Kwangwoo Park and Professor Joo-Hoon Kim, the tour began with a visit to an electronic industrial museum run by one of the major global companies based in Korea, Samsung. The Samsung Innovation Museum, located in Suwon, the capital of the Gyeonggi Province, displays the history of the electronics industry, taking a tour into the past, the present and the future of the semiconductor, display and mobile industries. The students and faculty members were able to learn about the seeds and future perspective of electronic innovation, in the three inspiring and groundbreaking halls of the museum.

In the afternoon, we visited the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Hwaseong Fortress, also known as Suwon Hwaseong. This impressive structure built from 1794 to 1796 by King Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty, displayed the influential military architecture of the period. Furthermore, as part of the tour the students had a pleasant moment practicing archery, recalling the weapons used at times in which the fortress was built.

Moreover, on the eastern foot of Paldal Mountain, the students went to the Hwaseong Haenggung Palace. Inside, the visitors had the opportunity to see the different rooms and art paintings where the king and royal family retreated to during a war, that is why this bastion built in 1789, was used as base of the government and as temporary palace.

After a memorable day involving culture and innovation, the tour culminated with innumerable photos and great memories. In this way, KOICA students have been nourished with knowledge and experiences that will not only be shared with the rest of KAIST fellows, but also in their different countries.

Written by Hiu Ching Chau, Student Reporter, KGSF International Alumni Newsletter

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )