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[News] Commencement Ceremony & Farewell Event2018-09-18Hit:669

  • Writer김지혜

One of the most important events for KAIST College of Business (KCB), the commencement ceremony, was held on February 24, 2018 in the Auditorium. This year, we are proud that 21 international students of KAIST Graduate School of Finance (KGSF) participated in this commencement ceremony. With all the blessings from the faculty and staff from KCB, the graduates’ families, friends, the graduating students successfully completed their two-years of study in KAIST.

Before the international students returned to their countries, KGSF also offered an unforgettable farewell event for the KOICA 2016 batch in a cafe near the school on February 23rd. At the beginning of the event, KOICA Chair Professor Joo-Hoon Kim presented awards to all participants and the graduates had memorable moments in the photo session and they shared their experiences with the new KOICA group.

After the commencement ceremony and the farewell, the members of the KOICA 2016 Group went back to their home countries full of knowledge and passion.

◇ Hiba Brahim Bounab (FMBA 2016/Algeria)
“As a statistical engineer, it was an amazing experience to study a new field “Finance” at KAIST College of Business, one of the best schools in Asia. This experience allowed me to enrich my life in many ways, especially in terms of time management. The courses at the university were interesting, I learned a lot about topics I did not know earlier. I was also impressed by the good quality of education as well as a good material condition of studies. Furthermore, the activities provided by the school during the program allowed me to discover a new culture, to explore new places, and to make friends from all over the world. Studying at KAIST was challenging and demanding. However, it made us better equipped for the future.

I’m really proud and glad to be a member of KAIST, and I’m thankful to all the staff of KAIST for their professionalism and dedication. It was one of the best 18 months of my life.”

◇ Andrés Felipe Montalvo Carrion (FMBA 2016/Ecuador)
“If you desire to find a place where you can feel inspired to learn, to grow and to share your culture with dozens of people from different parts of the planet. If you demand a program that can really help you to advance your career, and get connected to an amazing network of top-of-the-line professionals and academicians, then KAIST is the right place for you. This is exactly what I experienced during my studies at KAIST College of Business. This experience is in my heart and will always guide my personal development.”

◇ Ratanak Buth (FMBA 2016/Cambodia)
“Study in KAIST South Korea has changed my life forever. I have learnt many important skills and knowledge from the school, especially from the friends that I have made. The back to school life was amazing and different with a lot of assignments and presentations. It was hard work, but it was fun and challenging to work with different people to overcome these challenges. I also had a lot of fun off campus with everything that South Korea has to offer. I always felt the safest there. KAIST will always be my second home.”

Written by Hiu Ching Chau, Student Reporter, KGSF International Alumni Newsletter

Contact : Kim, Jihye ( jaimekim@kaist.ac.kr )