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Guide of the Half Semester Course Registration System 2012/Spring 2012-02-03Hit:5940

Dear students,

You can also make sure the announcement on KCB Homepage.

Homepage(www.business.kaist.ac.kr) News (upper right) Notice Academic Notice

We would like to announce Guide of the additional Half Semester Course Registration System from 2012/Spring.

According to the course offering (week 1-8, 9-16, 1-16) without classification of the department of students,

We should register “Add & Drop” and “Withdrawal” for courses on the Portal System by the academic schedule.

(see the previous e-mail)

Week 1-8 courses will be handled in the period of first half semester (during 1 week),

Week 9-16 courses in the period of second half semester (during 1 week),

Week 1-16 courses in the stated period (during 2 weeks)

For more information please find the attached file.

Contact : jisun, Lee ( issue96@business.kaist.ac.kr )