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Professor Kim Tong-Suk selected as the new Dean of KAIST College of Business.2015-03-16Hit:2536


           Professor Kim Tong-Suk is one of Korea’s top authority in finance and is considered to have contributed to the innovation and development of Korea’s finance industry.

           Professor Kim graduated from the department of management, Sungkyunkwan University as an undergraduate, received his masters from Santa Clara University and his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Afterwards, he started his career in San Diego State University from 1989 to 1995 as a professor. As a specialist in financial engineering portfolio theory, investment analysis, and derivatives pricing, he published and presented numerous papers in top international journals and colloquiums; consequently, he is well recognized by other scholars.

           In 1996, he became a professor in KAIST College of Business and was the first dean of the Graduate School of Finance in 2006. Furthermore, he held various positions in diverse associations and engaged in numerous industry-advisory activities.

           “KAIST College of Business established Korea’s first full-time MBA program in 1995. With its world class education infrastructure, KAIST has pioneered Korea’s business education and fostered competent individuals who have the ability to simultaneously comprehend technology and management…I will take the lead in presenting a whole new paradigm for KAIST College of Business regarding global management education, to go beyond knowledge and to create values. 

           KAIST College of Business received attention in 2011 when it became the first domestic full-time MBA course to be ranked in the Financial Times’ ‘Top 100 Global MBA Programs’. Furthermore, MBA courses in KAIST College of Business are gaining recognition as it was ranked first in Asia for three years in a row since 2012 for its executive programs in the Financial Times.

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )