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Introduction to the ‘Design Thinking’ curriculum in AIM and the Master of Science in Information Management2015-07-15Hit:3831


Learning design thinking for innovation and creative management in KAIST College of Business

Introduction to the ‘Design Thinking’ curriculum in

AIM and the Master of Science in Information Management

Recently, ‘Design Thinking’ as a new methodology of innovation has received attention with the decision of SAP, the global software company of German to build their ‘Design Thinking Innovation Center’ in Korea. KAIST College of Business stated that it will introduce a ‘Design Thinking’ curriculum in AIM and the MS in Information Management.


 ‘Design Thinking’ started from the d.school of Stanford University and expanded to industry. First, it focuses on finding problems in daily life and making solutions by going through the process of empathy, defining, ideation, prototyping and testing and aims for ‘human oriented design.’


KAIST College of Business focuses on the possibility of setting up a ‘Design Thinking’ program and forming a ‘Design Innovation’ module in AIM in order to enable a new paradigm in each industry. The newly founded ‘Design Innovation’ program includes ‘Design Thinking’ and other related courses: Business Design by Design Thinking and Methodology, Innovation Design Workshop: Introduction and Application of Human Centered Design Management and 21st Century Innovation: Brain Creative Management and Future Strategy of Business Innovators.


KAIST College of Business is widely known for its practical application of recent management theories. It is ranked top in Asia and 24th in the world for business schools in executive education in Britain by the Financial Times. Especially, program preparation, which reflects the level of recent research being applied to the actual curriculum, was 9thand that is higher than France INSEAD (11th).


Professor Ingoo Han, who initiated the restructuring of the curriculum of AIM, said that “AIM in KAIST College of Business has emphasized innovation and creativity consistently. We expect more for developing innovative capability by applying ‘Design Thinking’ in actual management.”


Also, the MS in Information Management, which deals with IT and management knowledge will include ‘Special Issue in IT Management, Design Innovation, that applies ‘Design Thinking.’ Christopher Han, Stanford PhD, CIO of SAP will give a lecture on innovation and design thinking. In this course, students will experience the process of finding solutions based on human centered creative thinking through team projects. He is also appointed as the leader of the Design Thinking Innovation Center which is scheduled to open this year in Seongnam.


Professor Jaehyun Ahn, of KAIST College of Business said that “Design innovation lectures consist of the process of finding experience and value that people want and respect. Overseas, design thinking has been chosen as one of the main strategies , and it is our time to do the same.”



Link: http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2015&no=46767
Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )