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KAIST has selected five alumni as its proud members2016-03-09Hit:4189


The KAIST alumni association (President: Paik Man Gi) awarded Lee Gwan Sun (CEO, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Company), Kwon Sun Gi (Former president of Gyeongsang National University), Lee Jae Kyu (Professor at College of Business, KAIST), Lee Youngsoo (CEO, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology), and Chi Dae Yoon (CEO, Futurechem). The award ceremony was held in Seoul Palace hotel on Januaary 30th at the New Year KAIST Alumni Association. As a new alumni President, Mr. Go Jung Sik (Master of Chemical Engineering) will be inaugurated.

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )