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Startup Alliance to Host Network Policy Conference2020-08-06Hit:1170

Startup Alliance announced on the 24th that it held the second series of “Post Corona Era Start-up” conference and “Network Policy for Global Digital Power Leap” conference at the Emerald Hall on the July 23rd at Yeouido FKI Hall.

Professor Jae-Hyun Ahn of KAIST, Head of Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society, mentioned that “this year is the first year of the full-fledged digital economy." He emphasized that “the direction of network policy is important because data, network, AI are the gist of digital transformation, and the network that connects them is a key element of national and corporate competitiveness."

Kim Lee-Jae, professor at Gyeongin Educational University, presented as a keynote speaker on the “connectivity as a national competitive power” and introduced a new concept of connectography which synthesized Connect and Geography.

"Unlike in the past, where the geopolitical environment determines the rise and fall, how much connectivity will be secured will influence the country's fate in the future," he said. He argued that "Korea has good manpower, content, and data, but in order to shine properly, energy and goods as well as transportation of human resources, transnational connection of functional social infrastructure such as the Internet and communication networks through which information, knowledge, finance, and technology will be transmitted at a light speed is necessary."

Professor Byung-Chul Kim of the Department of Economics at the University of Alabama, who was in charge of the first presentation, said that demand for networks decrease if it is of high-quality.” Therefore, internet service providers (ISPs, mainly telecommunications carriers) argument that reducing net neutrality increases investment incentive is contradictory.

Professor Kim also cited the case where the relative value of business class tickets increases when the check-in process for economy class passengers at the airport is delayed a lot. He argued that "if net neutrality disappears, the overall network investment will decrease, and only high-end network investment will increase.,” He said “it is highly likely that small and medium-sized content providers (CP) and startups will be disadvantaged."

The second presenter, Professor Hyun-Kyung Kim, professor of the Graduate School of IT Policy at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, presented the theme of “Network Policy for Digital Power Leap.”

He emphasized that traffic should increase and usage fees should become cheaper for Korea to become a digital powerhouse, and the national network policy must go in that direction to meet the public interest. He also pointed out the lack of international networks by domestic ISPs as a fundamental cause of conflicts between global CP and networks regarding loyalty fees, such as the recent lawsuit between Facebook and the Korea Communications Commission and the Netflix Prevention Act.

In the following discussion session, Kwang-Jae Jeong, Head of Communication Internet Policy Research Division at KISDI's Communication Radio Research Division, introduced the trend of major countries' communication fields in relation to the surge in Internet traffic caused by COVID-19. Professor Lee Dae-ho of the Department of Interaction Science at Sungkyunkwan University said that "from the perspective of the Internet ecosystem, ISP and CP are not competing, but are complementary." He also emphasized that the discussion to design public policies to increase user satisfaction is crucial.

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )