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2017 KAIST 경영대학 Open Class 2017-03-17조회수:2289

  • 작성자황은정
  • 파일
2017 KAIST 경영대학 Open Class

KAIST 경영대학에서 MBA 입학에 관심 있는 분들을 위해, On-line, Off-line 강좌 체험의 기회를 마련했습니다. 
시간적 여유가 없어서 망설이는 분들을 위한 On-line MBA 강좌~! 
실제 학생들이 수강하는 실제 강의를 체험해 볼 수 있는 MBA Open Class~! 한번 체험해 보세요


[On-line 강의]
KAIST 경영대학 2017년 봄학기 Bizz@KAIST 인터넷 강좌.

3/9(목)부터~6/22(목), 매주 목요일 밤 9시에 CRM, 플랫폼경제, 네트워크 리더십 등 경영학의 다양한 주제로 명교수님들의 특강이 이어집니다.
방송과 함께 채팅을 통해 교수와 직접 실시간으로 소통하면서 관련 질문도 하고 유용한 정보도 얻어가세요.
방송국URL:  http://afreeca.com/kaistbs 



2017 KAIST 경영대학 Open Class

본 행사는 MBA 과정 입학에 관심 있는 분들에게 실제 강의를 들을 수 있는 기회를 제공함으로써 보다 실질적인 경험을 할 수 있도록 마련한 행사입니다

입학에 관심 있는 분들이 오셔서 유익한 경험을 하실 수 있기를 바랍니다.

1. 행사 기간: 2017. 4. 3(월) ~ 4.14(금)
참가 방법

(1) 대상: KAIST MBA 과정 입학에 관심 있는 사람
(2) 신청: 
마감(1인당 2개까지 신청가능하며, 강의당 8명까지 선착순 마감됨)

3. 해당강의









월, 수





화, 목


리더십과 조직관리



월, 수






엔터테인먼트 산업분석




녹색기술과 녹색산업



월, 수
(4.3주만 오픈)


녹색기업 가치평가



화, 목



4. 강의 개요
[재무회계: 한인구 교수]
This course introduces the basic concepts and principles of financial accounting and enables students to utilize accounting information for decision making from the perspective of users while other accounting courses deal with technical aspects of accounting process from the perspective of accountants. This course focuses on financial accounting while broad accounting issues in managerial accounting, auditing and taxes will be also covered. The main topics covered in this course are as follows.
1) Basic concepts and theoretical framework of financial accounting
2) Accounting process
3) Principles of financial statements

4) Financial statement analysis and valuation
5) Managerial decision making based on accounting information
6) IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards

[한국경제론: 이창양 교수]
This course is a blend of a survey of various theories on economic growth and an analysis of the Korean economy. In order to build a framework for the analysis of the Korean economy, various growth models, including neoclassical growth models, endogenous growth models, and R&D-based growth models, will be studied. Based on the intermediate knowledge on economic growth, the process and characteristics of the development of the Korean economy will be analyzed and discussed. A working knowledge of calculus is needed.

First, we will review some stylized facts on economic growth. Then, by studying existing growth models, we try to understand why some countries produce much more output per worker than others. In particular, the focus will be on the mechanics of the accumulation of various production factors such as labor or human capital, physical capital, and technological knowledge. In addition, recent models emphasizing R&D (technology) and social infrastructure as major determinants of economic growth will also be studied.

Second, we will apply the predictions and implications of the various growth models to the evolution of the Korean economy. In doing so, we will discuss government policies, business strategies, and social infrastructure as well as future strategies for economic prosperity.

[리더십과 조직관리: 김태현 교수]

This course is about the NEW SCIENCE OF LEADERSHIP.  The old science of leadership was based on skill audits, skill deficiency, and skill acquisition.  In this world view, leaders that personally possessed the requisite top skills were thought to be the most successful.  The more skills you had, the better your odds of achievement.  If you lacked the right skills, you acquired them through hours of training, coursework, or trial and error practice.  If you were good in communication but bad with numbers, you learned finance and accounting.  If you were great with operations but couldn’t keep your presence of mind during a crisis, you learned how to project confidence and charisma. 

The New Science of Leadership takes a radically different perspective.  It presumes that we are all deficient in some way in terms of our cognitive ability, resources, or talents and that the way to acquire leadership power is not through the personal development of those skills but by being able to access the skills you need through experts who possess those skills.  This approach enables leaders to quickly adapt their skill sets to the situation at hand, to nimbly shed resources that become obsolete and tap into those that are suddenly needed, and to do this continually as the world around them changes unpredictably.  Moreover, for leaders at the top of organizations, and for those who aspire to be in positions of top executive leadership, this is perhaps the only way to think about leadership when the complexity of business exceed the capacity of most people to acquire the multidisciplinary skills needed to tackle the problem.

The goal of this course is to provide you with the coherent set of techniques needed to lead in environments characterized by complexity, interaction, and interconnectedness.

[전략경영: 장세진 교수]
The Strategic Management course focuses on the concept of strategy, and examines how firms achieve, sustain, and renew competitive advantage, and what roles managers play in this process. Definitions of strategy abound, but they all share some sense of allocation of critical resources in a competitive environment over relatively long periods of time in the pursuit of specific goals. Therefore, strategy is shaped not only by the underlying market and competitive conditions that prevail in an industry, but also by the resources as well as by the firm’s internal structure, systems, and culture. This integration of the external and internal perspectives provides the basic framework for strategic thinking, and opens the door for more strategic analysis that shares this basic framework (diversification, global expansion, vertical integration and outsourcing, mergers & acquisitions, and strategic alliances, etc). The course covers the basic frameworks and tools of strategic analysis, which lay the foundations of current strategic thinking, and which have been shaped by the more dominant strategy theories developed over the last two decades. Strategic thinking involves the analysis of the business as a whole system, and therefore requires integration of knowledge that you have acquired in previous functional courses.


[엔터테인먼트 산업분석: 김영걸 교수]
The purpose of this course is twofold: First, to understand the global entertainment industry trends and identify the critical management and technology issues for the future growth and competitiveness of Korean firms in movie, music, broadcasting, and game businesses based on in-depth examination of the entertainment literature and cases. Second, to develop the strategic vision and top-notch analytical and communication skills through intensive rounds of case study write-ups and presentations. The course will be presented from the perspective of an entertainment industry professional, focusing on the strategic and economic forces behind the organizations’ investment in entertainment production and distribution.


[녹색기술과 녹색산업: 엄지용 교수]
This course aims to give a comprehensive overview of green technologies and industries from a business point of view, identifying present and emerging opportunities for creating new green businesses or innovating incumbent businesses with greener strategies and investments. To achieve this goal, the foundation of green technologies, the dynamics of energy and environmental industries, and energy technology portfolios will be reviewed with the backdrop of shifting regional and global environmental policies. In particular, the course focuses on the global and national trends in supply- and demand-side energy technologies and how energy technology portfolios might be efficiently deployed to achieve various societal and environmental goals.


[녹색기업 가치평가: 박광우 교수>]
This course is designed to help you to understand the fundamental functions of green finance and valuation of green firms.

The learning objectives of this course are:

1. Students will produce professional business documents.
2. Students will demonstrate effective interpersonal communication in a team setting.
3. Students will use appropriate analytical tools to identify problems in green corporate finance and develop a solution in valuing green firms.


이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대하여 만족하십니까?

콘텐츠담당자 : 유지영 연락처 : 02-958-3246

