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Guide to using Course Registration(Exceptions) Menu 2020-07-26Hit:579

In order to minimize the face-to-face situations to prevent the spread of COVID-19, KAIST is operating an online approval system

for the course add/drop and withdrawal period since 2020 Spring semester.


Previously, students were required to submit a paper form with the approval of the course instructor to add/drop courses for which

online application was not possible, including courses that have exceeded the maximum enrollment limit and special courses with

different subtitles. However, from 2020 Spring semester, we have established an online approval system that can provide online

approval of relevant professors using electronic signatures as follows. Please refer to the guide to using Course Registration

(Exceptions) Menu as shown below.



= Details =


1. Launch of Online Approval System for Course Add/Drop Application

- In operation since 2020 Spring Semester Course Add/Drop period

- ‘Course Registration(Exceptions)’ Menu is created at ‘Class Enrolment’ of Academic system


2. Key changes with launch of online approval system

1) Before launch: Fill out course add/drop application paper form(Obtain signature from course instructor) -> Submit to

    KCB Academic & Student Affairs Team (Registration)

2) After launch: Online application -> Approval by course instructor(advisor/department head) -> Confirmation by

    KCB Academic & Student Affairs Team (Check &Registration)

※ The student must check course registration result at academic system before the add/drop period ends because certain

   courses may not be registered due to reasons such as the overlapping of time, even if it was approved by the course

   instructor online.


3. How to use the online approval system for course add/drop application

1) Courses previously required to submit paper forms containing signatures of course instructors

- Courses exceeding quota

- Special lectures with same course codes but different subtitles

- Course limited following to offering department

- Third course retake 


2) Applications requiring the additional approval of both advisor and head of department

- Exceeding maximum credits allowed per semester : full-time graduate 13~18 credits, part-time gracuate 10~12 credits

Undergraduate-level courses by graduate students 

- Graduate students applying courses from other campus(Daejeon-Seoul)


3) Application and approval procedures

- Academic system [Class enrolment => Registration(Exceptions)(Click)] → Look up and choose course registration information 

   Choose course add/drop → Approval or return by course instructor → (Approval of both advisor and head of department) 

   Confirmation of approval and registration(KCB Academic & Student Affairs Team)

※ Approval requests are sent to course instructors upon application by E-mail and the number of approval requests is

   displayed on the main page of the academic system for faculty.

※ Students can view approval results on the application page, and may cancel applications before approval by course



4. System opening period :

1) Opening Hours of Online Approval System for Course Add/Drop period : Ends 2 working days before the deadline of Course

    Add/Drop period

2) Opening Hours of Online Approval System for Course Withdrawal period : Ends 2 working days before the deadline of Course

    Withdrawal period

※ Applications that remain unapproved until the end of the online aproval system opening hours will be automatically

    cancelled. Students must take the necessary measures before it ends.


5. Contact : KCB Academic & Student Affairs Team (hanseuli@kaist.ac.kr), 02-958-3211


* Attachment : Academic System User Guide - Student(*Course Registration(Exeptions))

Contact : Lee, Jisun ( jisunlee@kaist.ac.kr )