Grad student club at KAIST dedicated to startups and venture capital
- Chairman: Jihye Kim |
- Advisor: Paik, Yongwook
'Inspiration of your future'
Effective communication window
Strengthen internal and external networks among KAIST members
Strengthen student welfare and improve the environment
Build self-knowledge sharing channel
Grad student club at KAIST dedicated to startups and venture capital
Research and study investment strategy, Share tips and tricks about financial information, Do investment by using what we've learned.
Studying climate change related issue and sustainability, with practice to save the earth
As a Christian student club, KCF strives to spread the Gospel in the KAIST campus by sharing the words of the Bible and building fellowships with one another.
KAIST's Soccer club
KAIST College of Business Seoul Campus Tennis Club
We are a band club at KAIST college of business, the members focuses on internal and external performance activities of various genres.
food enthusiasts club at KAIST College of Business, focusing on exchange of thoughts about food and sharing through food.
Voluntary Group for Sharing of Talent, Knowledge to Social