KCB provides settlement research funds for newly hired tenure track faculty to focus on research and education. The research fund for settlement is 35million won, and it is divided into settlement research support and a settlement subsidy. The research period runs until the end of the year after 36 months from the date of the initial appointment
KCB provides academic research funds of 5 million won (3.5 million for an individual and 1.5 for department) to support education and research of tenure track faculty. Faculty members who are currently receiving research expenses for settlement will receive academic and research expenses after 36 months.
KCB provides annual research funds by invitation based on a selection process for an internal research grants. The grant includes funding for general research expenses for research on innovative management issues. KCB supports medium to large scale research on fundamental issues and aims to encourage faculty joint research work or interdisciplinary research work and to promote enterprising impactful research.
KCB provides research assistance for the initial research activities of newly hired faculty members who do not have advising students, and tenure track faculty, and provides PhD students with the opportunity to obtain a variety of research experience.
KCB supports expenses for overseas academic conference participation and paper presentation to activate KCB tenure track faculty's research performance. It is provided once per faculty member per year. The maximum amount is 4million won and it includes airfare, hotel expenses and conference participation fees.
KCB supports thesis publication expense up to US$1,000 to enhance international academic research activity of tenure track faculty.
KCB support proofreading service expense for English theses for submission to international journals for tenure track faculty and PhD students. There is no limit within the budget for per person/per year.
KCB supports expenses (lecture fee, consulting fee, airfare, hotel expenses, expenses related to conference preparation) of regularly holding lectures and seminars by invited distinguished professors from overseas to an build international research network.
KCB supports the introduction academic research purpose software such as statistical packages (SAS, Matlab, STATA, Eviews, SPSS) related S/W in promoting academic research activities. Also, KCB provides electronic journals and a database for research. You follow the links below:
- KAIST Library: http://library.kaist.ac.kr/
- Business area: http://libguides.kaist.ac.kr/content.php?pid=209819&sid=3156410