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[COVID-19] 이태원 지역 방문자(4/30 - 5.6) 안내 / Guide to Itaewon Visitors from April 30 to May 6 2020-05-11Hit:1078

  • WriterExternal Affairs Center
  • File

Dear Students,

We are here to alert all of you as a potential second wave of COVID-19 looms in this country.
There were increasing confirmed cases coming out who has visited Itaewon from April 30 to May 6.

Any of you who has visited Itaewon during the period(whether you have symptoms or not), please contact External Affairs Center separately to make report to the headquarter.
Your privacy will be secured safely and we will be helping you to take further measurement.
(Keep in mind that it is strictly against the law when there is false or hide reporting.)


Please also refrain from attending classroom and remain in your place to take virtual learning.
We strongly urge you to help people in the community to investigate and take possible examination to spread the virus.

Any inquiries are welcome so please do write me back.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

KAIST College of Business
External Affairs Center
85 Hoegiro Dongdaemungu
Seoul Korea 02455
TEL: 82-2-958-3242
FAX: 82-2-958-3210

From: COVID19 대책반 <covid19@kaist.ac.kr>
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2020 9:37 PM
To: "고객만족센터" <kaistcs@kaist.ac.kr>
Subject: [COVID-19] 이태원 지역 방문자(4.30~5.6) 안내 / Guide to visitors of Itaewon(4.30~5.6)

[English version below]
KAIST 코로나-19 확산방지 대책반에서 알려드립니다.
언론 매체 등에서 접하신 바와 같이, 지난 황금연휴 기간 중 수도권에서 지역감염이 다시 발생하여, 확진자 수가 다시 증가하는 안타까운 상황입니다. (자세한 내용은 코로나19 중대본 회의(5.9) 정세균 총리 모두발언 참고: http://bitly.kr/VwkmalnFJ)
코로나19 재확산세를 차단하기 위해, 모두의 노력이 필요한 시점입니다.
4월 30일부터 5월 6일까지 이태원 지역을 방문하셨거나, 현재 알려진 확진자들과의 동선 겹침이 우려되시는 분들은:
1. 출근/등교하지 마시고, 학교 COVID-19 상황실(T. 0123)에 알려주시기를 부탁드립니다. 확진자와 동선 겹침 정도를 파악한 후 자가격리 및 선별진료소 방문 필요 여부 등에 대해 개별 안내해드리도록 하겠습니다.
2. 5월 11일부터 대면/비대면 강의를 병행하는 교과목이 있으니, 해당하시는 분들은 당분간 비대면 강의로 수강해주시고, 대학원생의 경우 재택연구하시기 바랍니다. (전문연구요원의 경우 병가 처리 가능. 학생지원팀 담당자 문의)
* 상황실에 알려주신 내용과 신원에 대해선, 상황실 담당직원(보건담당자)이 각별히 보안을 유지할 것입니다.
조금이라도 해당이 되시는 분들은 모두 상황실에 연락하셔서 확인 받으시기를 부탁드립니다. 궁금하시거나 필요하신 내용이 있으면 covid19@kaist.ac.kr 로 연락주시기를 부탁드립니다.

COVID-19 대책반 드림
This is the KAIST COVID-19 Task Force.
As you may have heard on the news, several new cases of local COVID-19 infections occurred in the Seoul metropolitan region during the peak holidays of early May. (Reference: report by the Prime Minister on May 9th, http://bitly.kr/VwkmalnFJ)
We must again concentrate our efforts to prevent an outbreak.
If you have visited Itaewon from April 30th to May 6th, or if you may have visited the same places as the patients, please follow the below instructions.
1. Do not go to work or classes and contact the COVID-19 Task Force Situation Room (T. 0123). The TF will check if there are overlaps in your itinerary with that of the patients, and notify you if there are measures that need to be taken. This can include self-isolation or a visit to a designated screening center.
2. From May 11th, certain courses will be held both online and offline. Please attend classes online for the time being. For graduate students, please conduct research from home. (Alternative military service personnel may take sick leave. Please contact the Student Affairs Team.)
* The staff at the Situation Room will take extra care to keep your identity and the information you provide confidential.
If there is even a small possibility that you could have been in contact with the patients, please contact the Situation Room. If you have any questions or need assistance, please send an email to covid19@kaist.ac.kr.
Thank you.

COVID-19 Task Force

Contact : Lee, Jisun ( jisunlee@kaist.ac.kr )