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Fostering AI Talent through the establishment of engineering-business integrated courses2017-02-04Hit:735

Students in traditional business administration will also be nurtured at KAIST College of Business


Tong-Suk Kim, the Dean of KAIST College of Business, is the pioneer in the field of technology management, an area combining technology and management, in Korea. In 2006, he served as the first head of the Graduate School of Finance, specializing in financial engineering that integrates technology with finance. Dean Kim said, “We will make aworld-class business school, appropriate in the AI era, by fully utilizing the unique advantages of KAIST, which can incorporate technology into management.”


At the 20thanniversary of KAIST College of Business, Dean Kim declared that he will nurture students to prepare for the 4thindustrial revolution. Responsible for developing the converged education programs in both technology and business administration, Dean Kim integrated the Department of Technology Management in the main campus in Daejeon with KAIST College of Business, in order to initiate a combined education program from the undergraduate level. In the second half of 2016, he established the Finance Analytics course in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science.


He also introduced big data analysis and AI-based lectures. The financial engineering courses, focusing on artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming languages, are the typical examples. Kim emphasized, “We will develop a curriculum that can create synergies between engineering and business administration.” In the long term, we will create a Korean-style MBA with a strong emphasis on engineering rather than a traditional MBA as found in the US. This will allow us to contribute to the improvement of national competitiveness.


The ‘two-track’ strategy of cultivating those specializing in the traditional business administration while fostering convergent talent is also the direction of KAIST College of Business. At the end of last year, 44% of KAIST’s PHDs in Management Engineering were employed as professors abroad and in South Korea. Since 1996, 24 PHDs from KAIST College of Business have been recruited as professors at notable universities overseas, including National University of Singapore, Sydney University in Australia, and Jiaotong University in China.


Dean Kim maintained that a ‘strict management of curriculum’ has been the school’s key success factor in terms of generating the talented individuals. He stated, “There are lectures that give an F grade to 70% of the students at KAIST.”  Dean Kim furtheremphasized, “Providing the students with the strong motivation to work hard is the best way for them to gain competitiveness in the AI era”


 (Reporter Ki-Hoon Lim shigger@hankyung.com)

Contact : Yu, Eunjin ( ejyu@kaist.ac.kr )