“Social Issues Should be Solved by the Market System and Companies”2016-08-31Hit:1008
- 첨부파일
Title: “Social Issues Should be Solved by the Market System and Companies”
- SK CEO Choi Tae Won donated 1.25 billion Won to KAIST Social Entrepreneurship MBA
“Companies should be active in resolving social issues in order to maintain a capitalistic market structure. SK will strive to foster more entrepreneurs who have the mindset to deal with such issues.”
SK CEO Choi Tae Won said that the SK Group will continue its effort to foster future business leaders at the MOU meeting with the KAIST College of Business. Recently, the two organizations initiated the ‘KAIST Social Entrepreneurship MBA 2nd Facilitation Process’.
CEO Choi said, “As more and more young people become interested in becoming social entrepreneurs with an innovative mind and a warm heart, social issues should be solved, and this can also help the nation’s economy. SK will support KAIST Social Entrepreneurship (SE) MBA program for the next five years and will invest more WON 1.25 billion in the program.” Since the initiation of the KAIST SE MBA in 2012, the SK Group has provided about WON 0.95 billion.
The KAIST SE MBA program aims to foster social entrepreneurs who can start their own businesses right after graduation. The faculty members at KAIST College of Business teach classes for the SE MBA program.
So far, among the 34 graduates, about 91% (31) of the alumni started their own businesses and among them about 8 received WON 0.11 billion investment. One person from the SK Group said, “The oldest graduate from the SE MBA is 31 years old. This program characterizes itself as solving social programs with an innovative mindset.”
CEO Choi said, “The young entrepreneurs should have a versatile view to see social problems from a wide variety of perspectives. As a person who has a heart toward the young business leaders, I will continue supporting and walk along with them with great affection and interest.” For the MOU event about 100 attendees gathered, including Lee Gi Kwon (Minister of Employment and Labor), Kang Sung Mo (KAIST President), Choi Tae Won (SK CEO), along with KAIST SE MBA students and faculty members.