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KAIST holds ‘Circular Economy’ seminar with Denmark’s Minister of Environment and Food2017-04-12Hit:881

The Graduate School of Green Growth at KAIST College of Business held a seminar called “Circular Economy-the Danish Experiences” by inviting Danish Minister of Environment and Food, Esben Lunde Larsen.

Esben Larsen, Danish Minister of Environment and Food is visiting Korea to increase cooperation between Korean and Denmark in the field of environment and Food , and he made a request to visit the Graduate School of Green Growth at KAIST College of Business, that trains leading experts on green management in response to climate change.

Minister Larsen said, in the seminar, “If Denmark and South Korea cooperate, they will obtain all three elements of a circular economy - a clean environment, ethical resource utilization, and economic benefits -within few years. The circular economy means that resources and products are constantly being redistribution. To this end, we design products to be reused, repaired, and recycled. It also means we are buying or sharing the right to access services, such as music streaming services, rather than owning a product.”

He added, “The circular economy is in contrast to the dominant linear economic structure of seeking only growth rather than seeking value from items that are discarded, and using and disposing of products. A change to a circular economy will be a challenge and opportunity around the world. I look forward to sharing experiences between our two countries. I believe that if we move in the right direction, we will be able to bring major environmental benefits as well as stimulate the economy of both countries and create new employment opportunities.”

Furthermore, Minister Larsen emphasized the close cooperation between Korea and Denmark for the development of a circular economy and sustainable development.

In addition, talks were held between Minister Larsen and Shin Seong-cheol, President of KAIST. They talked about the overall environmental education at KAIST College of Business. President Shin said, “It was a good opportunity to discuss the ‘Circular Economy’ which is the main topic of the environment all over the world. Upon this opportunity, KAIST College of Business will focus on fostering green management professionals who can prepare for a new paradigm of sustainable development through the Graduate School of Green Growth.”

Larson served as city councilor and deputy mayor of the Ringkøbing-Skjern City Council, and was appointed as the Minister of Environment and Food in February, following the his time as Minister of Higher Education and Science. He has been active in parliamentary politics involving education, science, and the environment.

The Graduate School of Green Growth at KAIST College of Business was the first in Korea to become a member of the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) last year, proving its global competitiveness.

Currently, 52 partner organizations participate in GGKP. It is an international platform established in 2012 by four international organizations – the World Bank (WB), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Organization for Economic Cooperpation and Development (OECD) and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). It is a consultative body established to reduce the knowledge gap and study green growth issues.

In addition, the Seoul Climate-Energy Conference has been held for three consecutive years since 2014. The Seoul Climate-Energy Conference presents an implementation road map by reviewing the international community’s perception on climate change and policy directions. More than 400 people including experts, related government departments, international organizations and academia participate every year.


Journalist, Lee, Seungwon lbhlsw@viva100.com

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )
