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Step up for Global MBA: need to remove restriction of faculty number a..2011-11-11Hit:6924

Step up for Global MBA:

need to remove faculty number and their salary level control

To realize theoriginalobjective of theKorean MBAson"fullyutilizing the resources providedin orderfor them toreplaceoverseas MBA schools," it is sought that the restriction on faculty number and their salary should be eased.

According to the Dean of KAIST College of Business, Byungtae Lee, Hong Kong UST and Singapore National University MBA who are considered to be more compatible than Korean MBA Schools was able to induce many excellent professors through high salary they offered which are over 5bilion KRW. Although KAIST Colllege of Business was ranked among the top 100 in the world as the fist MBA program in Korea as the 99th, still the Hong Kong UST (6rh) and SNU MBA (23th) far outpace in ranking.

He also explained if the Korean government ease the restriction on the facult salary and in planning the curriculum, it would greatly help improve the qualityof the MBA schools in Korea. Unless these are realized and schoolsare granted more freedomto attracttopworldly known professors, Korean MBA is doomed to become truly global.

Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )
