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Listen to the Lead Users, like Lego and Facebook2011-11-16Hit:6797

Listen to the Lead Users, like Lego and Facebook

World Wide Web (www), Facebook and YouTube, which brought innovative changes in our lives, have one thing in common. It is that users who require innovative services developed those programs.
In general, we think that innovative products and services are developed by the companies which sell those. But according to Professor Fonhiperu School of Management MIT USA, many of the innovations occurring in the market in developed countries are made by lead users rather than manufacturer.
According to the results of research in the Netherlands and Canada, more than 20% or 50% manufacturers have been shown to take advantage of user innovation to improve production process. Some report says 85 percent of new 47 financial services provided by the banks since 1975 are first developed the users
Rapid growth of user innovation is due to increase in toolkits which supports user development and information sharing through internet. Smart phone and App Store are other reasons.
According to a survey of innovation for manufacturers, percentage of user innovation of Korean companies 17.7%, significantly lower than in developed countries more than 40 percent. User innovation sharing proportion is 3.2% much less than 25% in developed countries..
In order to enhance competitiveness in global markets innovative Korean companies, more attention is required for user innovation. At the same time, government needs to consider the cooperation and support of research programs for more user-centered innovation.


Contact : Lee, Sohyun ( sohyun.c.lee@kaist.ac.kr )
