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Jung,  Jaemin Professor (Affiliated) 사진
Jung, Jaemin Professor (Affiliated)
Contact Information
  • Office.SUPEX 428
  • Tel.82-2-958-3519
  • E-mail.nettong@kaist.ac.kr
Research Areas Digital media user and industry analysis/ Culture industry analysis


    ▶ University of Florida, Mass Communication, Ph.D.
    ▶ Sogang University, Mass Communication, MA.
    ▶ Sogang University, Mass Communication, BA.


    KAIST, Chair, Moon Soul Graduate School of Future Strategy (2020.9-present)
    KAIST, Graduate School of Information & Media Management (2017.4~2019.5)
    KAIST, Chair, Social Entrepreneurship MBA (2015.2~2017.2)
    KAIST, Associate professor, Graduate School of Information & Media Management (2012.9~2020.8)
    KAIST, Assistant professor, Graduate School of Information & Media Management (2009. 9~2012.8)
    KAIST, Adjunct professor, Graduate School of Science Journalism (2010. 2~present)
    Seoul Women’s University, Assistant Professor, School of Communication & Media, (2005. 3~ 2005.8)
    University of West Florida, Assistant professor, Department of Communication Arts (2003. 8~ 2005.2)
    KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) Program host (2008.7~Present)
    KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) Ombudsman (2006.10~ 2007.9)
    News Reporter, Digital Chosun Daily News, Seoul, Korea (1996~1998).
    Program Director, Buddhist Television Network, Seoul, Korea, (1994 ~1995).
    『International Journal on Media Management』 Editorial Board (2012.8-present)
    『Corporate Communications: An International Journal』 Editorial Board (2010.1-present)
    『Corporate Communications: An International Journal』Asian Region Editor (2007.3 -2009.12)
    『Korean Association of Newspapers』 Advisory Board (2010.7-presnt)
    『Journal of Media Economics & Culture』Editorial Board (2010.4-present)
    『Communications Theory』Editorial Board (2007.11-2009.11)
    『Korean Journal of Broadcasting & Telecommunication Studies』Editorial Board (2007.11-
    『Korea Newspaper Association』Policy Advisory Board (2010.7-present)
    『Korea Media Management Association』General Secretary (2010.11-2011.12)

    Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2012 (29th Edition).
    Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 2010 (27th Edition).
    Academic Translation Award (2009) Academy of Korean Broadcasting & Telecommunication Society.
    Teaching Award ( 2007) Minister of Education in Korea.
    Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award: National Honor Society in Journalism & Mass
    Communication, 2003
    First Place Research Award: Media Management & Economics Division, AEJMC, 2003.
    Outstanding International Student Award: University of Florida, 2003.
    Top Paper Research Award: Advertising Division, AEJMC, 2002.
    Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: College of Journalism and Communications,
    University of Florida, 2002-2003.
    Communications Competitiveness Research Initiative Grant: Public Utility Research Center in
    the Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, 2002.
    International Business Competitive Research Grant: Center for International Business Education and Research, U.S. Department of Education, 2001-2002.
    Kappa Tau Alpha Research Award: National Honor Society in Journalism & Mass
    Communication, 2001
    First Place Research Award: Media Management & Economics Division, AEJMC, 2001.
    Third Place Research Award: Public Relations Division, AEJMC, 2001.
    Third Place Research Award: Graduate Student Forum, University of Florida, 2001.
    Outstanding International Student Award: University of Florida, 2001.
    Second Place Research Award: Media Management & Economics Division, AEJMC, 2000.
    Third Place Research Award: Management & Sales Division, BEA, 2001.
    Outstanding International Student Award: University of Florida, 2000.
    Graduate Alumni Fellowship: University of Florida, 1999 ? 2003.
    Cum Laude Graduate Award: Sogang University, 1993.

Industry Advisory Activities

    『Korea Newspaper Association』Policy Advisory Board (2010.7-present)
    Korea Press Foundation, Media Management Research Advisory board, 2008-2010.
Publications & Research

Publications (patents, etc.)

    International Journals:

    ▶ Jung, J., Kim, Y, & Song, H. (2020). A thirty-year retrospective of the Journal of Media Economics: Who wrote what, and how?
    Journal of Media Economics, 31(1-2), 6-26..
    ▶ Im, H., Song, H., & Jung, J. (2019). The effect of streaming services on the concentration of digital music sales.
    ▶ Albarran, A., Mierzejewska, B., & Jung, J. (2018). Handbook of media management and economics. 2nd ed. Routledge.
    ▶ Yoo, W. S., Yu, E., & Jung, J. (2018). Drone delivery: The public’s attitude and intention to adopt. Telematics & Informatics.
    ▶ Im, H., Song, H., & Jung, J. (2018). A survival analysis of songs on digital music platform. Telematics & Informatics.
    ▶ Yu, E., Chung, C., Kim, H., & Jung, J. (2018). Impact of viewer engagement on gift-giving in live video streaming. Telematics & Informatics.
    ▶ Song, H., Jung, J., & Cho, D. (2017). Platform competition in the video game console industry: Impacts of software quality and exclusivity on market share. Journal of Media Economics, 30(3), 99-120.
    ▶ Song, H., Jung, J., & Kim, Y. (2017). Perceived news overload and its cognitive and attitudinal consequences for news usage. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(4), 1172-1190.
    ▶ Jung, J., Song, H, Kim, Y., Im, H., & Oh, S. (2017). Intrusion of software robots into Journalism. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 291-298.
    ▶ Im, H., & Jung, J. (2016). Impacts of personal characteristics on the choice of music consumption mode. Journal of Media Business Studies, 13(4), 222-240.
    ▶ Jung, J., Shim, S., Jin, H. S., & Khang, H. (2016). Factors affecting attitudes and behavioral intention toward social networking advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 35(2), 248-265.
    ▶ Song, H., & Jung, J. (2015). Antecedents and consequences of gender swapping in online games. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(4), 434-449.
    ▶ Kim, J., Lee, J., Jo, S., Jung, J., & Kang, J. (2015). Magazine reading experience and advertising engagement. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(1), 179-198.
    ▶ Jung, J., Kim, Y., & Chan-Olmsted, S. (2014). Measuring usage concentration of smartphone applications: Selective repertoire. Mobile Media & Communication, 2(3), 352-368.
    ▶ Im, H., Jung, J., Kim, Y., & Shin, D. (2014). Factors affecting resistance and intention to use the smart TV. Journal of Media Business Studies, 11(3), 23-42.
    ▶ Kang, S., & Jung, J. (2014). Mobile communication for human needs. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 376-387.
    ▶ Yoo, J-W., Jo, S., & Jung, J. (2014). The effects of television viewing, cultural proximity, and ethnocentrism on country Image. Social Behavior and Personality, 42(1), 89-96.
    ▶ Jung, J., & Kim, H. (2013). Third-person effects in the stock market: Perception of experts and non-experts. Pacific Science Review, 15(4), 48-58.
    ▶ Jung, J., Chan-Olmsted, S., & Kim, Y. (2013). From access to utilization: Factors affecting smartphone application use and its impacts on social and human capital acquisition. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 90(4), 715-735. .
    ▶ Jung, J., & Jo, S. (2013). Third-person effects of internet stock recommendation. Social Behavior and Personality, 41(9), 1435-1444.
    ▶ Choi, J., Jung, J., & Lee, S. (2013). What causes South Korean users to switch from a local to a global social network site? Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2665-2673.
    ▶ Jung, J., & Kim, Y. (2012). Causes of newspaper firm employee burnout in Korea and its impact on organizational commitment and turnover intention. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(17-18), 3636-3651.
    ▶ Shin, D-H., & Jung, J. (2012). Socio-technical analysis of Korea's broadband convergence network. Telecommunications Policy, 36(7), 579-593.
    ▶ Jung, J., Chan-Olmsted, S., Park, B., & Kim, Y. (2012). Factors affecting e-book reader awareness, interest, and intention to use. New Media & Society, 14(2), 204-224.
    ▶ Shin, D-H., Jung, J., & Chang, B-H. (2012). The Psychology behind QR Codes. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(4), 1417-1426.
    ▶ Nabyla, D., & Jung, J. (2011). Strategies in the media industry: Towards the development of co-opetition practices. Journal of Media Business Studies, 8(4), 37-57.
    ▶ Jung, J., & Kim, H. (2011). A clash of journalism and ownership: CNN's coverage of movies. Journal of Media & Communication Studies, 3(2), 71-79.
    ▶ Jung, J. (2009). Strategic management in the media: Theory to practice. International Journal on Media Management, 11(1), 46-47.
    ▶ Jo, S. S., Shim, S. W., & Jung, J. (2008). Public Relations or Propaganda? International communication on the war against Iraq. Public Relations Review, 34, 63-65.
    ▶ Jung, J., Lee, W., & Kim, Y. (2007). A niche analysis of network TV, cable/satellite TV and the Internet. Korea Journalism Review. 1(1), 34-60.
    ▶ Jung, J. (2005). Time and media markets. Journal of Media Economics. 18(1), 71-73.
    ▶ Chan-Olmsted, S. M., Li, J. C. C., & Jung, J. (2005). Profiling of cable modem broadband consumers. Journal of Targeting, Measurement, and Analysis for Marketing. 13(4), 327-345.
    ▶ Li, J. & Jung, J. (2005). Assimilation or contrast? Evaluation of new shows in lead-in/lead-out scheduling. International Journal on Media Management. 7(1&2), 55-64.
    ▶ Jung, J. & Chan-Olmsted, S. M. (2005). Impacts of media conglomerates' dual diversification on financial performance. Journal of Media Economics. 18(3), 183-202.
    ▶ Jo, S. & Jung, J. (2005). A Cross-cultural study of the WWW and Public Relations. Corporate Communications. 10(1), 22-40
    ▶ Jung, J. (2004). Acquisitions or joint ventures: Foreign market entry strategy of U.S. advertising agencies. Journal of Media Economics. 17(1), 35-50.
    ▶ Ko, H., Jung, J., Kim, J. & Shim, S. (2004). Cross-cultural differences in perceived risk of online shopping. Journal of Interactive Advertising. 4(2), 1-14.
    ▶ Jung, J. (2003). Business news web sites differ from newspapers in business content. Newspaper Research Journal. 24(2), 114-119.
    ▶ Jung, J. (2003). The bigger, the better? Measuring financial health of media firms. International Journal on Media Management. 5(4), 237-250.
    ▶ Jung, J. (2002). How magazines covered media companies' mergers. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 79(3), 681-696.
    ▶ Chan-Olmsted, S. M. & Jung, J. (2001). How the U.S. television networks diversify, brand and compete in the age of the internet. International Journal on Media Management. 3(4), 213-225.

    Domestic Journals:

    ▶ 임은지ㆍ양재훈ㆍ정재민ㆍ송해엽(2020). 시청자없는 개인방송 라이브 스트리밍: 진행자의 동기, 노동강도, 심리적 스트레스.
    <한국방송학보>, 34권 5호, 145-185.
    ▶ 유은ㆍ송해엽ㆍ정재민ㆍ김영주(2019). 인터넷 개인방송의 영향력에 대한 인식과 규제 지지 평가: 국내 이용자와 비이용자의 차이 비교.
    <한국방송학보>, 33권 3호, 108-140.
    ▶ 강성권ㆍ유은ㆍ정재민(2019). 가전제품 구매의 디지털 고객경험: 온라인 구매 여정 프로세스 분석.
    , 21(1), 61-90.
    ▶ 김설예·유은·정재민 (2016). 인터넷 개인방송의 이용동기, 사회적시청, 지불의사 <문화경제연구> 19권 3호, 57-84.
    ▶ 박영준·정재민 (2016). 제조 기업의 가상현실 비즈니스 진입 전략 <언론문화연구> 23집, 1-32.
    ▶ 송해엽·정재욱·정재민 (2016). 웹 개발자들의 HTML5 채택 저항 요인 <경영학연구> 45권 3호, 925-945.
    ▶ 이진우·임현석·정재민 (2015). 스마트폰 게임 푸시 알림의 성과 14(3), 97-109.
    ▶ 김기준·송해엽·정재민(2015). 공익연계마케팅 적합성과 지속성 <경영학연구>, 44권 1호, 281-303.
    ▶ 임현석·정재민(2014). 부가판권시장 영화소비 방식 <문화경제연구>. 17권 3호, 57-79.
    ▶ 송해엽·정재민·김영주(2013). 3DTV 채택의 유보, 거부, 만류 <미디어경제와 문화> 11권 2호, 7-50.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2013). 신규채널 시장진입: 정책, 구조, 사업전략, 시청자 <미디어경제와 문화> 11권 1호, 120-170.
    ▶ 정재민·박종구(2012). 경제뉴스 적소분석: 신문, 방송, 인터넷, SNS 이용자 충족 <한국방송학보> 26권 2호, 205-246.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민·이은주(2011). 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 채택과 이용 <한국언론학보> 55권 6호, 227-252.
    ▶ 정재민·김영주 (2011). 신문사 종사자의 탈진: 편집국과 비편집국 비교 <한국언론학보> 55권 2호, 252-276.
    ▶ 김호연·정재민(2010). 시각장애인의 방송접근을 위한 화면해설방송 연구 <시각장애연구> 26권 4호, 1-25.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2010). 미디어 소비 지출의 상대적 불변: 1989-2008 <한국언론학보> 54권 5호, 108-130.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2010). 방송산업내 비대칭 규제에 관한 연구 <한국방송학보> 24권 5호, 47-89.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2010). 일본 신문기업 경영진의 위기인식과 대응책 <한국언론정보학보> 51호, 65-86.
    ▶ 정재민(2010). KBS 수신료: 현실화의 필요성과 확대방안 <여의도저널> 20호, 5-20.
    ▶ 정재민(2009). 경쟁가치모형에 따른 신문산업의 조직문화 연구 <한국언론학보> 53권 4호, 72-93.
    ▶ 박종구·김영주·정재민(2009). 미디어기업의 창의적 조직문화와 직무만족도 <한국방송학보> 23권 1호, 169-207.
    ▶ 김호연·정재민(2009). 청각장애인의 정보통신 보조기기 활용 <시각장애연구> 25권 2호, 141-159.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2008). 미디어기업 종사자의 윤리경영 인식 <언론과학연구> 8권 4호, 299-335.
    ▶ 정재민(2008). 미디어 경제경영 연구의 동향과 방법론적 특성 <미디어경제와 문화> 6권 3호, 133-168.
    ▶ 정재민·김영주(2008). 미디어기업 종사자의 조직적합도, 직업만족도, 조직성과 <한국방송학보> 22권 3호, 290-331.
    ▶ 정재민(2007). 텔레비전 대부업 광고에 대한 제 3자 효과 연구 <한국언론학보> 51권 6호, 111-134.
    ▶ 정재민·김영주(2007). 노인층의 텔레비전 이용행태와 충족에 관한 연구 <한국언론학보> 51권 3호, 172-200.
    ▶ 서라미·정재민(2007). 한중일 3국 신문의 8?15 보도 비교 분석 <한국언론정보학보> 37호, 237-269.
    ▶ 정재민(2006). 언론의 CEO 이미지 재구성과 기업의 주가 변동 <한국언론정보학보> 34호, 244-274.
    ▶ 이화진·김영주·정재민(2006). 위성 DMB 채택에 영향을 미치는 요인 <한국방송학보> 20권 2호, 237-275.
    ▶ 정재민(2005). 글로벌 미디어기업 인수합병: 진출사업, 지역, 합병유형 <한국언론학보> 49권 6호, 418-444.
    ▶ 정재민·이화진·김영주(2005). 미디어 경쟁과 대체: 지상파, 케이블, 인터넷 적소분석 <한국방송학보> 19권 4호, 523-564.
    ▶ 정재민·김호연(2005). 사회적 약자 보도를 위한 가이드라인: 장애인과 장애공동체 <저널리즘 평론> 21호. 104-146.

    Books & Chapters:

    ▶ 김영주·정재민·강석(2017). <서비스 저널리즘과 언론사 수익 다변화> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민·강석(2016). <소셜 뉴스중개자: 미디어기업의 대응과 전략> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 김영주·오세욱·정재민(2015). <로봇 저널리즘: 가능성과 한계> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 정재민 외 (2014). <국회로 간 카이스트> 서울: 심북스
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2014). <소셜 뉴스 유통 플랫폼: SNS와 뉴스 소비> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2013). <미디어산업의 지형변화 2013: 성장과 미래>. 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 정재민 외(2012). <다가온 미래 스마트 라이프> 서울: 삼인출판사.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2011). <신문기업의 혁신경영: 저널리즘, 서비스, 조직구조> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2010). <국민의 뉴스소비 2010> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 곽병진·정재민 외(2010). <2010 해외미디어동향> 서울: 한국언론재단.
    ▶ 정재민 외 (2009). <미디어 공공성> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2009). <미디어 소비: 경기변동과 미디어 이용> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 정재민·임효창(2009). <신문위기와 조직문화> 서울: 한국언론재단.
    ▶ 정재민·김영주(2009). <한국과 일본 신문기업의 경영혁신> 서울: 한국언론재단.
    ▶ 김동규·정재민·서상호 역(2009). <미디어경제경영론: 이론과 방법> 서울: 나남출판사.
    ▶ 정재민 외(2008). <국제커뮤니케이션> 서울: 나남출판사.
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2007). <미디어 기업의 윤리경영> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 정재민 외(2007). <모바일 미디어의 문화와 시장> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 정재민 외(2007). <디지털 패러다임> 서울: 진한 M&B
    ▶ 김영주·정재민(2006). <노인과 미디어: 노인들의 미디어 이용과 복지> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스
    ▶ 정재민 외(2006). <디지털 시대의 미디어 이용> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스.
    ▶ 박주연·정재민(2005). <미디어 기업의 협력과 통합> 서울: 커뮤니케이션북스
    ▶ Jung, J. (2003). Global structure, performance and foreign direct investment in the advertising agency industry. In Terrorism, globalization and mass communication, D. Demers, ed. pp. 289-302. Seattle, WA: Marquett Books.

Research Areas

    ▶ Media policy & industry analysis
    ▶ Media firms' organizational culture/leadership
    ▶ IT/Media adoption and resistance
    ▶ Robot news and AI media platform

Publicity (Article/Column contribution & Media appearance)

    KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) Program host (2008.7~Present)
    KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) Ombudsman (2006.10~ 2007.9)
    Newspaper Columns
Contact : Joo, Sunhee ( shjoo2006@business.kaist.ac.kr )

Faculty & Research