Sangchan Park is Associate Professor of Management and Organization at KAIST College of Business. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. His research explores issues related to organization theory and strategic management with a focus on the legitimation of non-legitimate ideas, novel technologies, and work practices, such as the emergence and spread of renewable energy and corporate sustainability. His research has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Organization, Organization & Environment, Work and Occupations, and Korean Journal of Management, among others.
- Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Ph.D. Organizational Behavior, 2008.
- Professional Appointments:
2014-Present: Assistant, Associate Professor, KAIST
2019-2020: Visiting Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
2013-2014: Assistant Professor, Ewha Womans University
2008-2013: Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
Industry Advisory Activities
- SK, SERI, WFRI, AER and various startups
Publications & Research
Publications (patents, etc.)
- 2024 "Inter-unit executive redeployment in multiunit firms: Evidence from Korean Business Groups." Organization Science, forthcoming (with Sea-Jin Chang and Young-Choon Kim).
2024 "Polyarchy and project performance in open, distributed forms of innovation." Strategic Organization, forthcoming (Junyeong Lee and Heeseok Lee).
2022. "Shared fate and entrepreneurial collective action in the U.S. wood pellet market." Organization Science. 33: 2065-2083 (with Shon Hiatt).
- 2016 People’s Choice Award, Alliance for Research in Corporate Sustainability
- 2016 Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, ONE Division
2022. "Institutional influence on innovation-oriented market creation and entrepreneurship." Korean Journal of Management, 30: 71-100.
2022. "Ritual networks of difference and conflict: Accepting strangers into the workplace." Korean Journal of Management, 30: 135-160 (with Jonghoon Bae, Minsoo Kim, Young-Kyu Kim, and Seung-Yoon Rhee).
2021. "Enhancing firm performance through intra-group managerial experience: Evidence from group-affiliated firms in Korea." Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 38: 435-465 (with Young-Choon Kim and Taekjin Shin).
2020. "The effects of renewable energy financial incentive policy and democratic governance on renewable energy aid effectiveness." Energy Policy. 145: 111682 (with Suyeon Yang).
2020. "The halo effect and social evaluation: How organizational status shapes audience perceptions on corporate environmental reputation." Organization and Environment. 33(3): 464-482 (with Daegu Yang, Hyeonjin Cha, and Seobin Pyon).
2019. "Institutional decoupling and the limited implementation of certified environmental technologies." Journal of Environmental Management. 247: 253-262 (with Hyeonjin Cha).
2018. "A contingent approach to energy mix policy." Energy Policy. 123: 749-758 (with Jiwon Kim).
2017. "Institutional decoupling: Conceptual review and future research." Korean Journal of Management 25(3): 121-150 (with Dongsoo Kim and Hyeonjin Cha).
2017. "Knowledge decoupling: An institutional approach to the gap between the creation and utilization of environmental technologies." Knowledge Management Research 18(1): 117-138 (with Hyeonjin Cha).
2016. "Too much is as bad as too little? Sources of the intention-achievement gap in sustainable innovation." Sustainability 8(8), 712 (with Daegyu Yang).
2015. "Questions on organizational learning." Korean Journal of Management 24(4): 33-59 (with Young-Kyu Kim and Jonghoon Bae).
2015. "Organizing knowledge ecosystems: The influence of organizational capabilities of platform leaders on multi-firm collaborations for knowledge creation." Knowledge Management Research 16(2): 1-27 (with Dong-Il Jung and Bo Kyung Kim).
2013. "Lords of the harvest: Third-party influence and regulatory approval of genetically modified organisms." Academy of Management Journal 56(4): 923-944 (with Shon Hiatt).
2013. "A multidimensional model of institutional x-embeddedness." Korean Journal of Management 21(3): 297-330 (with Sangmook Yi).
2011. "Professions, organizations and institutions: Tenure systems in colleges and universities." Work and Occupations 38(3) 340-371 (with Wesley Sine and Pamela Tolbert).
2010. "To share or not to share? Professional norms, reference groups, and information withholding among life scientists." Organization Science 21(4) 873-891 (with Martine Haas).
Research Areas
- Research: Organization theory, institutional change and organizational innovation, business-government relations in emerging business sectors
Teaching: Organizational innovation and design, competitive environmental strategy, business and sustainability