- University of Cambridge, Ph.D. in Management Science
University of Cambridge, M.Phil. in Management Science
Imperial College London, M.Eng.
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Publications & Research
Publications (patents, etc.)
- (For full publication list, please visit my personal website
Park, Y. S., Y. S. Lee & E. Siemsen (2024) "Two heads are better than one: Task division and decision control in inventory planning." Production and Operations Management. accepted.
Khosrowabadi, N., K. Hoberg & Y. S. Lee (2024) "Guiding supervisors in AI-enabled forecasting: Understanding the impact of salience and detail on decision-making." International Journal of Forecasting. accepted.
Park, Y. S., J. Na & Y. S. Lee (2024) "Effect of customer concentration on firm's operating performance during the COVID-19 pandemic." International Journal of Production Research. accepted.
Koo, M. S., Y. S. Lee & M. Seifert (2023) "Investigating laypeople's short-and long-term forecasts of COVID-19 infection cycles." International Journal of Forecasting. accepted.
Kim, H. Y., Y. S. Lee & D. B. Jun (2020) "Individual vs. group: Advice taking in judgmental forecasting adjustments." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 33(3). 287-303.
Lee, Y. S., D. Ribbink & S. Eckerd (2018) "Effectiveness of bonus and penalty incentive contracts in supply chain exchanges: Does national culture matter?" Journal of Operations Management. 62. 59-74.
Lee, Y. S., Y. W. Seo & E. Siemsen (2018) "Running behavioral operations experiments using Amazon's Mechanical Turk." Production and Operations Management. 27(5). 973-989.
Lee, Y. S. & E. Siemsen (2017) "Task decomposition and newsvendor decision making." Management Science. 63(10). 3225-3245.
Lee, Y. S. (2014) "Management of a periodic-review inventory system using Bayesian Model Averaging when new marketing efforts are made." International Journal of Production Economics. 158. 278-289.
Lee, Y. S. (2014) "A semi-parametric approach for estimating critical fractiles under autocorrelated demand." European Journal of Operational Research. 234(1). 163-173.
Lee, Y. S. & S. Scholtes (2014) "Empirical prediction intervals revisited." International Journal of Forecasting. 30(2). 217-234.
Research Areas
- Behavioral Operations Management
Empirical Operations Management
Judgmental Forecasting
Management Science