Professor Paik is a tenured professor at the KAIST College of Business, located in Seoul, Korea. His research focuses on entrepreneurship, innovation, and strategy and how they are interrelated with institutions and public policies. He serves as a member of the editorial review board or as a referee for numerous top-tier academic journals in strategy, entrepreneurship, and economics. His research has been published in premier academic journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, among others. Professor Paik joined KAIST in 2018. Prior to joining KAIST, he was an assistant professor at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC) and the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU). He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to earning his Ph.D., he worked as a patent attorney in one of the largest law firms in South Korea, Kim & Chang, serving multinational corporations as well as small and medium-sized entrepreneurial companies.
- ㆍPh.D. University of California at Berkeley, Economics, Berkeley, CA, 2009
ㆍM.S. University of California at Berkeley, Economics, Berkeley, CA, 2008
ㆍB.S. Seoul National University, Electrical Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2001
- I. Professional Appointments
KAIST College of Business, Seoul, Korea, Associate Professor (with tenure)
Director, Open Enrollment Executive Education Program, KAIST Digital Finance Mastership Program: Digital Transformation Track
Director, Open Enrollment Executive Education Program, KAIST Digital Finance Mastership Program: Blockchain & Digital Asset Track
Director, KAIST Customized Executive Education Programs
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Editorial Review Board
NYU Stern School of Business, New York, NY, Visiting Scholar
Columbia Business School, New York, NY, Visiting Scholar
Washington University in St. Louis (WashU), Olin Business School, St. Louis, MO, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Southern California (USC), Marshall School of Business, Los Angeles, CA, Assistant Professor
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Research Associate, Research Assistant, Graduate Student Instructor
Kim & Chang Law Firm, Seoul, Korea, Patent Attorney
II. Honors & Awards:
KAIST 50th Anniversary, University Teaching Excellence Award
KAIST College of Business, Impact Research Award
KAIST College of Business, Award for Excellence in Education
Steven B. Sample Teaching and Mentoring Award, Finalist, University of Southern California
Greif Center for Entrepreneurship Research Award, University of Southern California
Distinguished Reviewer Award, Academy of Management
Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship Award, Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation
Marquis Who's Who (included since 2017)
III. Professional Affiliations:
Academy of Management, American Economic Association, Strategic Management Society, Industry Studies Association (Founding Member)
Industry Advisory Activities
- LG Display, KT, Samsung, Hyundai MOBIS, S&S Tech, CJ Group, Korea Growth Investment Corp.(한국성장금융; K-Growth), and various startup ventures. Co-Founder and Principal Advisor of TBW Investment Inc.
Publications & Research
Publications (patents, etc.)
- (Selected Publications)
Paik, Yongwook and Mina Lee. 2024. "Corporate Venture Capital and Innovation" In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity. Douglas Cumming & Benjamin Hammer (Eds.), Palgrave MacMillan.
Paik, Yongwook and Christos A. Makridis. 2023. "The social value of a ridesharing platform: a hedonic pricing approach." Empirical Economics, 64, 2125-2150.
Paik, Yongwook, Sukhun Kang, and Robert Seamans. 2019. "Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Political Competition: How the Public Sector Helps the Sharing Economy Create Value." Strategic Management Journal. 40(4): 503-532.
Paik, Yongwook and Heejin Woo. 2017. "The Effects of Corporate Venture Capital, Founder Incumbency, and Their Interaction on Entrepreneurial Firm’s R&D Investment Strategy." Organization Science, Issue 4, 670-689.
Paik, Yongwook and Feng Zhu. 2016. "The Impact of Patent Wars on Firm Strategy: Evidence from the Global Smartphone Industry." Organization Science, 27(6): 1397-1416.
Paik, Yongwook. 2014. "Serial Entrepreneurs and Venture Performance: Evidence from U.S. Venture-Capital-Financed Semiconductor Firms." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 8(3): 254-268.
Paik, Yongwook and Heejin Woo. 2014. "Economic Downturn and Financing Innovative Startup Firms." Managerial and Decision Economics 35(2):114-128
Paik, Yongwook. 2013. "The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 and Entrepreneurial Activity." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22 (2):259-280.
Research Areas
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Digital Economy, Business and Public Policy, Venture Capital, Strategic Management
벤처기업과 벤처캐피탈: Venture Capital(BIZ610)
- MBA level
기업가정신과 혁신형 창업: Entrepreneurship and Innovative Startups(BIZ510)
- MBA level
전략경영: Strategic Management(BIZ509)
- Executive MBA
경영전략이론: Theoretical Foundation of Strategic Mgmt(BME576)
- Ph.D. level
Publicity (Article/Column contribution & Media appearance)
- ▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 뉴욕은 어떻게 제2의 실리콘밸리가 되었나? (공감신문, 2022)
▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 유연한 원격근무와 워킹맘의 업무 생산성 (공감신문, 2022)
▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 혁신과 갈등: 스타트업과 정책입안자들이 풀어야 할 숙제 (공감신문, 2022)
▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 장기 VC펀드의 필요성과 정책적 마중물 (공감신문, 2022)
▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 벤처대출, 스타트업 넘어 스케일업으로 가는 길 (공감신문, 2022)
▶[백용욱의 스타트업은 지금] 이공계인력 부족 현상, ‘대학 미달정원 임대제’로 해결해보자 (공감신문, 2022)
▶[공감 딥터뷰] 백용욱 “벤처펀드 만기도래 폭풍전야… 정부 주도 ‘세컨더리 마켓’ 시급” (공감신문, 2022)
▶EBS 비즈니스 리뷰, 지속성장하는 기업의 비밀 (EBS 방송: 백용욱 KAIST 경영대학 교수, <1회> 공룡의 공감: Microsoft 편, 2021)
▶EBS 비즈니스 리뷰, 지속성장하는 기업의 비밀 (EBS 방송: 백용욱 KAIST 경영대학 교수, <2회> 사내기업가, 혁신의 DNA를 심다: Mastercard 편, 2021)
▶EBS 비즈니스 리뷰, 지속성장하는 기업의 비밀 (EBS 방송: 백용욱 KAIST 경영대학 교수, <3회> 실리콘밸리가 된 국민마트: Walmart 편, 2021)
▶EBS 비즈니스 리뷰, 지속성장하는 기업의 비밀 (EBS 방송: 백용욱 KAIST 경영대학 교수, <4회> 2만 7천 명이 근무하는 스타트업: DBS 편, 2021)
▶ 카이스트 MBA, 데이터분석 등 융합인재 키워 4차 산업혁명 이끈다. (매일경제, 명교수 명강의 / 백용욱 교수 '벤처기업과 벤처캐피털', 2020)
▶ 혁신 기업이 신문 정치면을 읽어야 하는 이유 (한경BUSINESS 칼럼 기고, 2019)